Forget about SAAS (software as a service), I am more interested in GASAAS (Giving A Shit as a Service.) I can buy products anywhere, but I require someone to give a shit. Someone who works hard, cares about their customer and provides the most basic…

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  • Map Quest Revisited

    After amassing about a thousand images of neon, murals and geocaches it is past time that I curate them into a searchable database. This is one of those “shoulda done it sooner” moments but who knew my latest photographic passion would have carried on this…

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  • The Romance of the Unusual

    Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the Romance of the unusual. Ernest Hemingway

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  • The Romance of the Unusual

    Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the Romance of the unusual. Ernest Hemingway

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  • Digital Contact Sheet

    One of my favorite tools on the iPad is importing my images to the Photos app. The simple act of sorting, organizing these photos like I used to do on a contact sheet of film negatives. Find the keepers and then develop them in the…

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  • I Love My iPad Pro

    I’ve had the privilege of handling and owning a lot of personal computing and tech devices over the past couple of decades. My all-time favorite is hands-down the M1 iPad Pro and it’s companion, the Magic Keyboard. The iPad has so much processing power and…

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  • The Wild Wild Web

    Speaking about personal websites, I just screened this video about the early web. I can thankfully say my website was NEVER this cheesy but there was a sense of ownership back then. Much more so than we do on today’s social media platforms where there…

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  • Anti-Censorship

    Four years ago today I decided that I wasn’t having fun using Google anything, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram anymore, so I downloaded all my content from those platforms and promptly deleted those accounts. No Google products and no social media. If you’ve DM’d me, then…

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  • I Disapprove This Message

    I need a new photo project. I figure that there will be a lot of photo opportunities between now and November, so, my new project is… During and after the 2016 campaigns I swore off of news media and politics. I’m done. However, they are…

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  • Let’s Take This Outside

    Due to a variety of interests, there has been less writing here in favor of being outdoors with a camera. I’ve been out and about capturing a variety of topics including urban art, neon signs and more. I’m thinking of capturing a few new things…

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  • Map Quest

    Over the past couple of decades I have acquired a lot of images and have failed to document them properly. Now I want to take on the enormous task of mapping my finds. Just getting started There are three categories I want to photograph, map…

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  • A Better Way

    Do I miss Twitter or Facebook? No. I make better use of my time by following blogs and websites via RSS.

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