• Noted

    “Five hundred years later, Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebooks are around to astonish and inspire us. Fifty years from now, our own notebooks, if we work up the initiative to start writing them, will be around to astonish and inspire out grandchildren, unlike our tweets and…

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  • I’m somewhere between “harder than I thought” and “This is gonna take some work”.

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  • And Action!

    How beneficial is all this research I am doing for various projects if if I’m not willing to apply it? I tend to overthink and research topics to the point I am overwhelmed and paralyzed into inaction. I will do a little more research and…

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  • 5/5 Check-In! Time to evaluate my progress for my Groundhog Resolutions, the 10th annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered that right after the end of the year holidays I am not mentally or physically capable of sticking with resolutions for the…

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  • Discovery

    “I can’t begin to tell you the things I discovered while I was looking for something else.”

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  • Creative Storage You must be constantly adding to your store. For this purpose you create… principally upon your own impressions, feelings and experiences. You also acquire material from life around you, real and imaginary, from reminiscences, books, art, science, knowledge of all kinds, from journeys,…

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  • Lost

    “The greatest hazard of all, losing one’s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss – an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. – is sure…

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  • 2018 Photo Goals

    Just like my Groundhog Day resolutions, I need photography goals. I know that I shoot from the hip but a part of me needs more as well. The following goals are in no order other than what is in my head. Finish this website. Streamline…

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  • 2018 Photo Goals

    Just like my Groundhog Day resolutions, I need photography goals. I know that I shoot from the hip but a part of me needs more as well. The following goals are in no order other than what is in my head. Finish this website. Streamline…

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  • Muse

    I need a muse to help influence and inspire my photography. Someone who understands and supports my creative vision, even if I don’t. This muse would inspire my creative vision. Someone that will allow me anything and everything. Fearless. No comfort zone because of the…

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  • Muse

    I need a muse to help influence and inspire my photography. Someone who understands and supports my creative vision, even if I don’t. This muse would inspire my creative vision. Someone that will allow me anything and everything. Fearless. No comfort zone because of the…

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  • Now Developing

    Photo Denbow has redesigned and has a renewed focus. I’ll explain as changes roll out. Playlist: Here I Go Again Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma

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