• Currently

    In addition to adding a page dedicated to the FoxCast, I added a “Currently” page. This page is dedicated to this month’s quick thoughts and frequently updated as soon as possible. It is an ethereal experiment that will disappear in place of the next month’s…

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  • Currently Music: Classic big bands, swing and jazz. Re-discovered thanks to a local radio station and Spotify Reading: Oath of Office, the next in Tom Clancy’s long running series Podcast: Short Stuff. Bite-sized at 15 minutes or less of varying interests. Food: Spicy chicken. Asian,…

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  • Currently

    Music: Obsessing over Magic Slim’s Born On A Bad Sign Blues album Reading: Joseph Campbell’s The Hero With A Thousand Faces. Part psychology and part mythology. Podcast: Imaginary Worlds, features a new science fiction story every 2 weeks Food: Tracy’s quesadilla casserole and my prize-winning…

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