• Bored

    After reading about the latest Apple products yesterday I had to ask “What drives American consumerism?” Americans are bored. Or we want the latest and greatest. This is a new concept to me and I find myself content with what I have for now.

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  • This Week

    It’s been about a solid week since re-using iA Writer exclusively, instead of Ulysses and I’m thrilled to be back. I’ve never stuck with iA Writer except for editing Markdown files but now I am using it exclusively to publish here. I’m thinking I have…

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  • Geo Location

    I’ve enjoyed using the DayOne journal app on my Apple devices since 2016 because it includes the current date/time, weather and location of the post in every entry. But I am not a fan of paying for an annual subscription so I am looking at…

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  • Digital > Analog

    I am on a hiatus with analog film photography for now. The price of film, developing, scanning is getting out of control and is not sustainable for me right now. I love the results but damn. Going all-digital for a while.

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  • Back To Flickr

    I was a charter member of the photo hosting site, Flickr since it’s inception back in 2005. Since then it has been a shit-show roller coaster and grew stagnant. It’s been sold more than a few times and then again to a more stable photo…

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  • Foolish Things

    I’m a fool, the new day rises on the world and on my foolish life… Jack Kerouac

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  • Make Do With What You Got

    Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with that there is. Ernest Hemingway

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  • A Different Path

    Lately I am having issues with my ankles turning while on a dirt trail or geocaching. I think city hiking for a while is a good alternative. Future walks will include paved trails, parks, desire paths and green spaces. More wandering, more flanuering. These evoke…

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  • Body Over Mind

    Which should I listen to? I’ve come to realize lately that my body has more self-wisdom than my mind. My mind tells me what I want to do, whereas the body tells me what I should do. Huge difference, Should is moral and ethical dogma,…

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  • No Apologies

    Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry. Jack Kerouac

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  • Adventure Lab- Tulsa Street Art

    From the creators of Geocaching.com comes a fairly new way to use GPS coordinates to find different locations and learn about them. I just published an Adventure that highlights some street murals in Tulsa. AL is a free download and free to play. You can…

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  • GC9Z580

    This geocache hide from a friend was just pure evil. Took a bit and I even put my hands on it, but Miss Adventure found it first. Aargh.

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