• Until Next Time…

    After twenty-two years of owning and maintaining a website presence it is time to hang it up for now. There are a multitude of reasons behind this decision but I’ll keep most of them to myself. And yet after all this time it feels like…

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  • Ghosted

    I have had a need to simplify my websites and the expenses that come with them. That changed today. A year ago I transferred this website to a self-hosted instance instead, for simplicity and ease of use but I gave up too much control. Today,…

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  • Paper: A Good Storage Format?

    I waffle a lot between digital and analog. I enjoy paper books for the tactile aesthetics, but love the convenience of a digital book (thousands in a pocket-sized device!) Paper books have been around for eons, still available, and we have seen how durable paper…

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  • Consolidation

    I am working toward keeping all of my web properties here under a single domain. New long-form posts will be here. Previous posts (2022-2002) are now in the Archive. I don’t do social media anymore but I do like to fire off some quick posts,…

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