• Android “Holo” Design

    I’m always a sucker for apps and software that doesn’t look like it is generic or stock. I want something functional and sophisticated looking. That’s why my devices are in a constant state of evolution. Recently I purchased a few apps that have upgraded my…

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  • Top 10 Android Apps

    I have two Android devices that are heavily used. The Samsung Galaxy S3 mobile phone and the Google Nexus 7 tablet. A few friends have asked which are the best Android apps out there. Well, that is subjective to opinion. I can share which apps…

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  • Favorite iTunes App

    Now that the iTunes store has over 100,000 apps, what is the one that you cannot live without? Is it a productivity tool? Social media app? Maybe you are a gamer and can’t live without it. Share your faves in the comments section. Who knows,…

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