• It Happened

    After two years of silence, I finally heard the fan kick in on my M1 MacBook while downloading images off Adobe to my external hard drive. Took me by surprise!

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  • Adobe (Again)

    I tried using Smugmug as a personal website and canceled that…again. I re-subscribed to Adobe…again. I wish I could quit Adobe but they make it so damn easy love/hate on them.

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  • Smug Adobe

    Just canceled my Adobe Lightroom account and lost my Portfolio website as a result. Looking at SmugMug as a website and unlimited photo host but damn. Those site customizations are frustrating. What have I done?

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  • Amazon Kindle

    After years of dragging my feet, I have finally purchased not one, but two, Amazon Kindle e-reader devices. The first was a cheap ($15) Fire tablet from a pawn shop. I had no intention of buying anything, just a passing curiosity, but then I saw…

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  • Archived

    I have created this page to host all previous articles on my website. In other words, nothing new to see here. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to view previous articles over the years. Or, while you are down there, utilize the search…

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  • Zen Tech

    Over the years I have come to the realization where I don’t want my devices to make me more productive, I want them to have zen. That is no effort synchronization, minimal design and high function.

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  • Minimalist iPhone

    I’ve been looking for an everyday minimal carry and to reduce dependency from an iPhone for some time. I want to limit distractions, I don’t want to carry my iPhone with me everywhere, until I do. But I want the freedom of choice sometimes to…

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  • The Blog Is Best

    It is widely accepted that the first blog, or web log, was created twenty-five years ago. A lot has changed over the years, but of course, the blog is still the best way to express yourself on the World Wide Web. Forget Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,…

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  • Photography Workflow Using the iPad Pro M1

    I had first published this guide in early 2019 in an effort to simplify my post-process photography workflow using the 2018 iPad. After decades of desktop and laptop processing, I wondered if the iPad was a solution for me. Previous year articles from 2021 and…

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  • Web 1.0

    Social media, those platforms that grew under what we call Web 2.0, is dead to me. There is a reason why blogging, RSS feeds, e-mail, podcasting, and texting has stuck around for so long- they work. We have control. We interact with people we genuinely…

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  • Unsubscribe

    A recent post from another blogger has me thinking: “How much am I paying for subscription services? Do I even know all the services I am paying and agreeing to on a monthly or yearly basis? How much money can I save if I take…

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  • Micro Denbow [.info]

    I’ve been self-hosting on WordPress for almost 15 years, then switched to WP hosted. I am now experimenting with microblogging and the new-to-me web host called Micro.blog. The immediate goal for me is to have a repository for all short form posts (280 words or…

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