• You Might Be An Adventurer if…

    Anyone of these 7 apply to you. For example, The Florida Keyes Don’t Call to You; Siberia Does. Destinations for your can’t be run-of-the-mill. If everybody is doing it, you’re not. The last thing you want to do is go your and everybody else’s neighbors…

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  • Google & The Great Outdoors

    Everyone knows I am a big fan of getting out but also sitting behind a desk typing away at my PC, weird combo, yes? If you haven’t checked out Google Earth yet then let me persuade you to download the free software now. There are…

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  • Brew Your Own Campsite Beer

    Tent? Check. Sleeping bags? Check. Hops, deep turkey fryer? Check. Beer mugs? Check! When you want to pack it up and get away from it all except good beer like these folks, well then my bags are packed. From the Blog Sober website these people…

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  • Just A Thought…

    Nothing profound or provacative here, just random musings at midnight. Monday was a tough day. Ever since changing departments I have been riding a huge learning curve. I am totally out of my element here. When a client calls in looking for advice/support, I can…

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  • The Blue Willow

    When you ever happen to be in or near the Scottsboro, Alabama area, have lunch at the Blue Willow. There you will find fantastic sandwiches, salads, soups, samplers. DO NOT LEAVE there until you have had some rolls served with bourbon butter. Yes, full-on bourbon…

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  • Maverick Blogger Adds To The Conversation

    Mark Cuban, the owner and chief evangelist for the Dallas Mavericks has a new article in his blog about the OU/Oregon fiasco and business management. I’ve been reading his website for a long time now and don’t agree with everything he says. I do find…

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  • America’s Top Programs

    This article was originally written by Kevin at Fanblogs.com: Two conversations this weekend sparked a little controversy amongst some fellow fans this weekend as we tried to determine what are the top college football programs in the country. Forget the polls and the white noise…

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  • MeeVee

    I don’t watch a lot of television because I have always preferred books. TV was always boring, canned (laugh tracks), predicatable and lets face it, useless. How many cop dramas, court rooms, hospitals, family situational comedies and cheesy commercials can people take over 50+ years?…

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  • Squirrel Photography

    I have a personal vendetta against squirrels. I used to think they were cute and fun until coming home from college a certain tree rat would throw nuts and sticks at me. I would retaliate by sic’ing the dog on them. Ahh good memories. However……

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