• 6/6 Check In

    On 2/2 I began my year long journey to create life long habits for myself and throw in some fun intentions as well. The plan is to check in every month to monitor my progress. How did I do since my last check in on…

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  • Contentment

    “True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependency upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have.” -Seneca

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  • Goodbye Amazon

    As an Amazon.com charter member since it was created in 1994, it pains me to have been so frustrated and ultimately close the account. Too many missed deliveries and botched orders lately. After downloading and converting my e-books so I can use them on any…

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  • Three Corners

    Saturday, May 23rd 37.0000 -103.0022

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  • Country Roads Take Me Home

    37.0001 -103.0023

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  • Get Out

    I’ve been feeling out of sorts lately so we decided to get out of the house for another day trip- this time to the ghost town of Ingalls, Oklahoma. Even better was the fact that our destination was unknown to me until we arrived. It…

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  • Minimalist Photography

    For awhile now, I have been playing with the idea of minimalist images. This means sticking with the black and white, monochrome images but using less to compose an image with. An old friend named Brandon helped create a unique emulation of the old Kodak…

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  • More thoughts on a Stoic philosophy from a Roman Emperor

    Wake Up Early and Get To Work “At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: ‘I have to go to work – as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I’m going to do what I was…

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  • Stoic Virtues

    Marcus Aurelius, one of the more decent Roman Emperors, kept a journal on philosophical topics which is now known as the Meditations, such as how to live well and how to be a good leader. Some of the virtues he reflected on are just as…

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  • Progress

    The organization of my archives is slowly starting to look better. I’ve moved images to their proper month/years and removed the duplicates. The current process finds me removing the images I do not want. The example above shows over 15,000 photos in 2019 alone. I’ve…

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  • Progress

    Click the link to read up on the DAM progress

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  • Post-Processing The Past

    A year ago, it feels like eternity now, I visited California again; this time through Route 66. I took this photograph in Joshua Tree. I never really got around to processing those images except for a few. Like most of my images they’re stuck in…

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