• 35mm Downtown Walk

    Took Penny out for a spin last week with some Lomochrome Metropolis 35mm film. I love the colors but not the grain. Need to work on the exposure and the light metering but overall very pleased with the results. Only six out of 36 exposures…

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  • Dipsychts

    Diptych photography is the art of combining two images together to create a story. I’m experimenting with these but limited due to current pandemic concerns so more to come.

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  • Cult Of Mac

    These devices are used daily. Most of my work comes from these beautifully designed tools. It’s fair to say that after years of frustration with Windows and Android, I am drinking the Apple-flavored kool-aid.

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  • 15

    I’ve been writing and self-hosting images online for fifteen years now. What I enjoy about blogging is the potential for infinite writing and posting. With digital photography I can shoot and post an infinite amount of images. The ability to host one’s own publishing house…

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  • 9.5.2021

    A few moments after loading the Kodak TMax 35mm film I realized why I had not taken Nikita out before. She needs a battery for the internal light meter (see the needle pointing way up?) After a few disastrous mistakes I was able to adjust…

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  • Photography Is Meant To Be Fun

    The best part of iPhoneography is the convenience. An iPhone is lightweight, easy to use and you’re most likely to have it with you wherever you go. Take it out and shoot with it whenever the mood strikes. You don’t need to worry if you…

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  • 36 Opportunities

    I’m taking Nikita out for a spin today. Can’t wait to see what the old girl can do.

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  • Film Is Not Dead

    More on the photography website

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  • 110mm

    Here are a few reasons why I enjoy 110 mm film cameras. CompactMy pocket-sized 110 cameras are a great companion for street photography or while traveling. You don’t need to carry a camera bag because it will fit in your pocket. Who wants to lug…

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  • 10 Rules of Photography*

    Take your camera everywhere Use it any time- day or night Photography is not a life interference but a part of your life Shoot from the hip Approach as close as possible Don’t think Be fast You don’t have to see the image right away-…

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  • IA Writer vs. Ulysses

    So one of my favorite writing apps, Ulysses, is up for the annual subscription renewal. At $50 a year, it is one of the pricier apps and I am not keen to renew as a result. Yes, it organizes my novel writing workflow better than…

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  • Brainiac

    A web of linked notes all in one location and designed to connect my thoughts — this is my personal database and second brain.

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