DSL Update


I promised a status report on the conversion from Charter Cable Hi-Speed Internet to AT&T’s Fast Access DSL and here we go in brief. After one month of DSL, Wonderwife and I are very pleased. The wireless router has worked without fail and has managed to provide consistent service.

I have 2 desktop computers, 2 laptops (3 if I count my work laptop), a Wii game console and my 8525 smartphone that has wifi access at the same time and is super-encrypted. No wireless reconnects, no dropped security, no turning the modem off/on, reset, etc. Amazing!

Wonderwife reports brief downtime during a heavy rain storm but was back up in minutes.

Our Fast Access DSL is running almost 6MB speed while Charter’s 5MB speed was running at 3MB. DSL is cheaper too with no promotional rate increases. In other words, we are getting what we are paying for!

I will post another review after the 6 month period up to see if the status remains.

Very impressed with AT&T!

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