IPSA Meeting- November 1


How HTML5 and Google Gears are Changing The Web presented by Dimitri Glaskov

Just a year ago, it was unheard of. Now, it’s a reality: a SQL server instance, running inside of your browser. Threading and isolation
model. Cross-origin XMLHttpRequest. Finally, the browser is becoming the user agent for building first-class applications. Join us in
exploring the new HTML5 specification with some freshly baked code and trying to glean the future of Web.

Thursday, November 1, 2007 11:30am – 1pm
(Networking 11:30-noon; Program noon – 1pm)
St. Vincents’ Bruno Conference Center, Classrooms 2, 3, 4
Free for IPSA members and guests

Also, we are pleased to announce the slate of candidates for the 2008 IPSA Board.

  • Jeremy Flint, President
  • Dan Reynolds, Past-President
  • Tony Summerville, Programs
  • Jeff Keeton, Communications
  • Deidre Ali, Treasurer
  • Becky Bane, Membership
  • Scott Pierce, Special Projects

In accordance with IPSA Bylaws:
After the candidate nominations meeting, the secretary will send the list of candidates to members via e-mail. Members may write in other candidates for office on this ballot. Ballots not returned within 15 days will indicate a vote in favor of the slate as submitted by the nominating committee. A simple majority of returned and non-returned ballots are required for approval of the officers.

Disclaimer: I am the current Membership board member who is shamelessly asking you to join us.

We have attractive people and we give stuff away to members. What’s not to like?

Beth DiPalma The Ultimate Winner

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