Cuckoo For Yahoo

I’ve been a big fan of Yahoo services for quite awhile now but have been lured by other web apps for comparison. In an attempt to "go back" to Yahoo, I will try to use nothing but Yahoo services for one month. Here’s what I am switching to or use consistently already:

Yahoo Mail- When I started using Gmail a 2 years ago, I was blown away. The only thing that Gmail has going for it now in comparison is threaded conversations and search. Yahoo has trumped Gmail’s 2GB storage with unlimited storage. Chat is now loaded, SMS texting is offered (not for everyone yet, including me) and you can drag/drop emails into folders. So what happens when people send me mail to my Google account? No problem. I have had it forwarded to my Yahoo account as backup so I can still see it just as fast as if people send to Gmail.

Yahoo search– Has done a great job competing with Google and has added Flickr to it’s image searching.

Flickr-  vs. Zooomr? No contest. As much as I love Zooomr’s innovation, I long for a mass photo uploader and it still hasn’t been reactivated. Zooomr is free for me whereas I pay $25 p/y for Yahoo’s Flickr.

Delicious– Here is where I keep all of my bookmarks/favorites that sync with my computer(s).

Jumpcut- Since purchasing a video camera to document the newborn, where do I go for video hosting? I’ve been using Vimeo but for now, I will use Jumpcut, the Flickr for videos. You can even edit or make video mashups.

Mash- Yahoo failed to purchase Facebook and is trying to makeup for it by their new offering, Mash. I have a page but am slowly building it. Will it last? THAT depends on the users. People flocked to Facebook after Myspace became a haven for perverts, spammers and butt-ugly designs.

Upcoming- What’s going on? Check local events and see who is going. Saves to Yahoo calendar, iCal, GCal and Outlook to help your schedule. Integrates with Flickr for photos of the event.

Yahoo News- I’ve used in the past but found that Yahoo News pulls different takes from a variety of sources for better context.

My Yahoo- My internet homepage designed my way. All the information on one screen.

Yahoo Go!- Yahoo for mobile so I can check my email, maps, sports, news, Flickr accounts and more.

RSS Feeds- Sorry, this is one area that Yahoo has not effectively touched on yet. Currently I have Feed Demon installed on my computers that even syncs online with their Newsgator service. So even if I am offline, I can still read the feeds. How nice would it be to have a Yahoo reader that allows you to save to Delicious for future reference?

Yahoo Maps- Over Google maps? This is a toughy. Both offer the same features with a slight edge to Google. But do I really NEED street views and Google Earth compatibility? We’ll see!

Yahoo Messenger- the popular instant messenger has free voice calling to other yahoos, webcams and texting to phones. I’ve been using Meebo for web-based chatting that includes Talk others but doesn’t have webcams. Yahoo it is.

Yahoo ID- one log in to rule them all

Want to keep up with me on Yahoo services? My Yahoo ID is "mojodenbow"

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