Mobile 2.0

I’ve talked a bit about mobile mojo here before, so I am looking forward to this event.

editor’s note: I’ll be drowning out the iPhone fanboys by listening to a few mp3’s and surfing the nets on my smartphone 🙂

Chris Rue, Black Warrior Technology
Thursday, September 13, 2007 11:30am – 1pm
(Networking 11:30-noon; Program noon – 1pm)
McWane Science Center, Special Events Room
Free To Attend

Chris Rue, President of Black Warrior Technology, will join us to talk about mobility, where it should go, and why you should care. We’ll discuss several platforms currently available, including PalmOS, BlackberryOS, Symbian, Windows Mobile, OSX, and the latest rumors from Mountain View.

Lunch will be provided by McWane Center for an additional cost. You may order a lunch from McWane for $10 or bring your own.

Parking is free in the McWane Center parking deck. Enter via the Special Events Center entrance, which is located in the northeast corner of Level C. Reserve your spot now!

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