
Me? I am just a free spirit here in the digital world, usually with a camera in one hand and a book in the other. 

I have been publishing to the www way back to 2000 as a way to document and share some of my personal thoughts. I cover many topics of interest in both short form and long posts. I read a lot. I shoot a lot of photos.

I tinker with a typewriter, poorly practice with a ukulele, cycle around the Cape, play pickleball, play hide-n-seek with geocaches, make images and sketch like I am in kindergarten. 

This site was created because I have something to say and I want to do it on my own terms. I like to see the world from different points of view and discovering my way. I like to think and connect the dots.

I appreciate you taking the time to visit this website and continue to read the weblog. 

You can support me and this website in many ways such as contributing to the conversation in the posts, adding me to your RSS feed readers, and by dropping me a line into my e-mail inbox to hello@

I promise there is no tracking, no algorithms, no affiliate links, and no advertisements. Ever. 

Thank you for stopping by,

– Chris from Coral del Cabo