Magic City Art Connection

This weekend I have the privilege to photographically capture the Magic City Art Connection in all its glory. This is my first year to attend the free event but from what I’m seeing, it isn’t an event that you want to miss. The Corks & Chefs tent will showcase outstanding cuisine & wine that you can sample for a low price.There will be numerous children’s events including workshops, parades, etc. Over 100 artists will be exhibiting their works and be judged.


image courtesy of Glynnis Thanks!

Or, you could go see drunken, topless Bubba watching a few brand name advert stickers on top of race cars go round & round a track for a few hours yelling “Go Junior!”


Not a difficult choice.

If you want to hook up downtown, email me & let me know. I’m the dude holding the camera while feasting on quiche and sipping wine.

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