How To Win clients & Influence People

Lille, Handshake with ... #2

These may be very basic suggestions for experienced entrepreneurs but I have listed them here for the rest of us. Because we could all use more clients and increase our reach, right?

Build Your Brand

No, I am not suggesting just a pretty logo. Your brand is what makes you stand out, unique. What are you doing differently? Are your clients just a paycheck or are they someone who you could have a long working relationship with? Is your brand representative of how you want to do business? Does it create trust? Logos are important and do need to be eye-catching for sure but back it up with substance and service. Your brand will be the first and last impression.

Know Your Audience

Everyone you meet both offline and online are a potential client or someone you can communicate your message to. Anyone can do this. The trick is to make it a two-way conversation as opposed to a pushy sales pitch. What do they want and what do they need?

Give Em’ What They Came For

Now is the time to deliver what you promised. Can you offer solutions and have you satisfied their desires?

Enhance What They Came For

You got them in the door, now exceed their expectations before they take a look and leave. How do you deliver more than they are expecting? By understanding what your competition does and go further.

Do Something Else Too

I have a friend who is an excellent photographer. They are also really good at graphic design. Someone else plays in a band but also is an accomplished photographer. Diversity in your skills/talents/hobbies will make you stand out and influence people.

Mix The Chocolate With The Peanut Butter

Cases in point: the graphic designer/photographer has married both and markets that for a complete package. why go anywhere else except through them? My musician friend shoots for their band and other groups. Excellent, marketable concert photography and branding. My point is that you need to find a way to incorporate the two and increase your influence.

Cut Back

For some, blending two passionate ingredients may be too much. Find your niche.


So maybe you have done one or more of these suggestions and are being rewarded. Awesome. With your influence, won’t you consider sharing your success to others in a group setting or even a blog? Heck, add them to my comments section, won’t you? That’d be great.

This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus.


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