Grandpa Syndrome

Old Man

Details magazine has an article in the October 2008 issue that asks if you are older than you should be. Wonderwife says I have symptoms.

Geoffrey Brow, an attorney for Dell Computers in Austin, Texas, doesn’t get out much anymore. The last concert he attended was a reunion show by seventies rockers Grand Funk Railroad. He left early. “It was too loud and people were jostling into me,” he says. To the extent that he listens to music at home, he prefers classic rock like the Rolling Stones. “I’m not completely immune to new stuff,” he says. “I do like Coldplay.” At the gym, Brow rides a stationary bike and wears a heart monitor. After work he enjoys single-malt Scotch and sometimes watches baseball (“but only non-expansion teams”). He’s usually in bed by 10 P.M.

Brow is 36 years old.

I’m not that bad. My last concert was a music festival with tons of alt rock. I do love classic rock, jazz and blues as well. Hmm, old school. I do run on the elliptical with my ipod. That should count as hip, right? I stay up past 11 usually.

Yes, I took the Details quiz and it says my premature grandpa age is 42, the same as Patrick Dempsey. According to our Wii Fit, my physical age is 38.

Truth be told, I am 35, almost 36.

photo courtesy of alexandercnoe

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