Gone But Not Forgotten

I am with Nicki on this one. I am tired of feeling this way. America was attacked without provocation. America struck back in righteous anger and made war on those who caused it. I know of no one personally who was affected by the attacks on September 11, 2001. However, when I lived in Missouri, a good, cheerful UPS driver I knew, lost a son when his Army helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan in late 2001. After returning to his route, this good, cheerful patriot became quiet because his son died serving his country. The flickr of light in the man’s eyes was extinguished.

In my opinion, we are not picking our battles well. Afghanistan is still in turmoil. Bin Laden is more than likely between there and Pakistan.Why aren’t we doing more in Pakistan? Pakistan has nukes…WMD’s of the worst kind. Why not include Iran? They’ve had a chip on their shoulder about us since 1979.

Obviously I do not have military experience, nor have access to what the governement sees, so I can’t question the reasonings. But I can ask.

Side notes: Does reading the attack victims individual names at/near the World Trade Center each year for four hours REALLY honor them? Isn’t there something else like a permanent memorial that can be erected?

Does presidential candidate politics need to be involved? Why was Mitt Romney present? Because a hijacked plane took off from his state? I can understand Giuliani since he was NYC mayor at the time and yeah, maybe even Sen. Clinton since she is an opportunist part-time New Yorker.

Just like Pearl Harbor day and the bombing in Oklahoma City and the Alamo or the explosion of the USS Maine in the Spanish American war, we will never forget the people who died in Pennsylvania, the Pentagon or NYC. But, we have moved on. Even if Bin Laden is captured alive, there will be no satisfaction or closure.

I voted twice and support our President in that he was the best choice for each election. I support his position and agree that if we retreat from the battles we waged, we lose. But I do not respect the man. Not anymore. The flickr of trust I put in him has extinguished.

I can go on and on but I am tired of feeling this way.

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