
mixd_logo.gifMixd is a new Yahoo offering that allows you to coordinate with your friends/family with mobile SMS messenging. You do need a free Yahoo account to participate. Create your “Mixer” or event and add friends either by mobile number or email address. Your friends will then respond and all of you can view each other’s conversations via text messages or read online.

You can also share each other’s mobile phone pics and video once you decide to upload to the group. This begs the question of how will Yahoo integrate this with their Flickr photo site and Upcoming.org’s event coordinator, and maybe even their new acquisition of Jumpcut?

Currently the only interaction available allows you to use your Flickr avatar as Mixd’s avatar too. I’m sure his will change.

Google recently purchased Dodgeball which offers the same function in group texting but offers a little bit more social commentary and interaction with each other. The major drawback is that Dodgeball is only accessible in 22 U.S. cities whereas Mixd is already nationwide.
Look me up under “mojodenbow” and we’ll mix it up.

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