Google & The Great Outdoors

googleearth.gif Everyone knows I am a big fan of getting out but also sitting behind a desk typing away at my PC, weird combo, yes? If you haven’t checked out Google Earth yet then let me persuade you to download the free software now. There are paid versions but the freebee is not lacking in features, trust me.

You start off in space and watch the map slowly zoom seamlessly towards the United States, from there you can type a location or address into the search and then fly towards that spot. Once there you can zoom in, change the view to a map or a hybrid of both sat photos/map. Adjust your angle to get a side view of the terrain, spin the map around or however your world view is, customize it.

Planning a trip? Type in a business search and Google will fly to the 10 closest spots in the area and even add local listings and recomendations. Click on the business info for contact information, website, etc. Driving directions are accurate and fast. You can even trace in motion what path you will take as it flys from point A to point B.

Print, send or email your search/trip. Earth is integrated with Gmail. Be sure to check out the Earth Community boards for the latest and greatest tips, tricks, contests, etc.
New features include 3D mapping, distance measurement, GPS integration and more. The screenshot below is from Earth and a trail I am researching to hike in central Alabama. I found the trail courtesy of Backpacker magazine which opened a link to the trail map. Notice each waypoint provided by Backpacker? Brilliant. Now if I can ever get a new handheld GPS and download Earth into it… woohoo.


Mojo Franchise- for more on Google Earth and other cutting edge software, check out Techno Mojo!

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