Sick & Tired

Dark & Gloomy

I am ready to kick 2009 out of here and welcome 2010, aren’t you? It has not been a very pleasant year in regards to life changes here. I’m projecting a positive outlook and making the necessary changes. I love the "Good Riddance Day" idea.

December has been a grey, gloomy month down here in Houston. We typically enjoy pleasant weather and green landscapes but this year is something else. 3 out of the 4 weeks have been like this including snow, sleet, brown grass and bare trees.

I’m going on week #2 of cold here and I don’t like it. It just throws everything off including sleep schedules. So if you see me online at 3am, give me a shout.

Here’s wishing you a happy, healthy, energetic and prosperous new year. We deserve it

2 responses

  1. I love the Good Riddance Day idea as well! I resolve to projecting a positive outlook and to making the necessary changes required to make 2010 a happy, healthy, energetic and prosperous new year. And yes, you and your family absolutely deserves it all! I hope you feel better and that the sun shines down on the Houston area very soon.

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