Today and Yesteryears

I am really digging the “On This Day” script I wrote and added to the Archives page. It prompts me about what I have experienced in the past and makes me reflect.

Well today I noticed that there were two themes from different years but all on the same date, today, January 16th.

This time last year I was sick in Houston, and ugh, that was the worst. Apparently I was sick on the same day way back in 2010. Thankfully this is not the case currently. Wait, is that a tickle in my throat? Better wash it down with Diet Doctor Pepper, STAT.

On this day in 2019 and again in 2022, I was feeling analytical about how I can utilize the iPad as a portable photo studio. For some reason and without intentionally doing so, I felt compelled writing those on the same day. Odd! I don’t feel compelled to write an update today, however.

I like reading e-mails as much as I do in the comments section. Let's chat! hello@

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