Chris Denbow Posts

July 25, 2022 / Journal

Last year, Lomography teased the photo film community with images hinting that they were bringing back the Turquoise film. Development has been ongoing and is scheduled to release fall of this year, 2022. Pre-orders sold out and more have been pushed back until November. I can’t wait that long to experiment with this unique emulation. Below are the examples that Lomo gave us, followed by own attempts to duplicate the results.

Oh well, back to the digital lab to fine tune the process and get those gorgeous colors!

July 23, 2022 / Journal

Did you know that I have a page on this site that is dedicated to micro posts? Think quick tweets or blurbs of whatever I need to post as opposed to long form writing on the main page here.

July 23, 2022 / Journal

For me to experience life I must explore. The insatiable urge to see what’s around the next corner must be satisfied or I will die, so it is for my own survival I must go. And so I go, typically with a camera as I have time and time again.

July 23, 2022 / Journal

The best meditation is being genuinely curious about the contents of your own mind.


July 22, 2022 / Journal

I came to a point where I needed solitude and to just stop the machine of ‘thinking’ and ‘enjoying’ what they call ‘living…

Jack Kerouac

July 21, 2022 / Journal

From the short story of Jorge Luis Borges’ “Book of Sand,” there is an ancient book with no beginning and has no end. The narrator discovers this simple-looking book contains endless volumes of information that was good and evil.

“I realized that the book was monstrous. It was cold consolation to think that I, who looked upon it with my ten flesh-and-bone fingers, was no less monstrous than the book. I felt it was a nightmare thing, an obscene thing, and that it defiled and corrupted reality. I considered fire, but I feared that the burning of an infinite book might be similarly infinite, and suffocate the planet in smoke.”

He quickly deposits the terrifying, infinite book to the National Library and vows never to go to a library or bookstore again.

It’s strange to me to think that we open our very own Books of Sand every day without thinking of the consequences. The sheer infinite volume of the WWW is too difficult to imagine. It is our nightmare and distorts our reality. Like all tools, it can be used for good, but we humans do a frightening job of perverting even the best intentions.

July 21, 2022 / Journal

… not enough ecstasy for me, not enough life, joy, kicks, darkness, music, not enough night.

Jack Kerouac

July 20, 2022 / Journal

After eleven years of geocaching, I finally have submitted my own hidden cache into the wild.

Geocache #6 (GC9XF0J) is located east of downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma and is currently pending review on my submission. But it is placed and ready to go!

Hidden in plain sight

or is it?

Log, pencil, game token and a travel bug to circulate around the globe!

July 19, 2022 / Journal


– Sun Ra

July 19, 2022 / Journal

There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.

Ernest Hemingway

July 18, 2022 / Journal

Don’t you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and you’re not taking advantage of it? Do you realize you’ve lived nearly half the time you have to live already?

Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises

I’m re-reading this novel and it’s amazing how there are so many applicable quotes that hit me straight on.

July 18, 2022 / Journal

“Do you ever know what the birds are singing? You don’t. But you listen to them anyway.”

Pablo Picasso

Picasso, when asked what his paintings meant.

Sometimes we create for the sake of creating and seeing what happens. There are times where I go out to shoot & don’t develop the film for months or post-process the digital photos in Lightroom for awhile. I do it just for the experience of creating and exploring.

July 17, 2022 / Journal

“Lastly, if there’s anything I can convince you of: you should build a personal site, you should obsess over it, you should meticulously document it, and you should have quite a bit of fun doing so. (It’s worth it.)”

Justin Duke

July 16, 2022 / Journal

The difference is almost indistinguishable when comparing portraits from a $900 mobile phone or a $2,500 mirrorless camera. Cameras are losing turf as mobile phones are closing the gap in technology and usability.

July 16, 2022 / Journal

The future of goods and services are subscription-based.

The latest BS is that BMW has built-in seat warmers behind an $18 monthly paywall. What a nightmare.

There is something fundamentally wrong with how companies no longer feel they are able to sell products at a sustainable price.

At some point soon, companies will charge subscriptions for the most minimal product or service and still throw ads at us.
