Here’s a simple solution to the current pessimistic culture: read a book.
Even better: research and then write a book.
Here’s a simple solution to the current pessimistic culture: read a book.
Even better: research and then write a book.
I’ve found a palm frond that fell after some heavy winds today and plan to clean it up then whittle it down into a palm tree bookmark with an engraving.
Sure, I can buy a bookmark or stick a note in between the pages, but this will palm will stay with me longer.
The beta version of the newest iPhone operating system has been installed on the iPhone 15 Pro Max. There is a lot of new features to unpack but for now, the custom icon tinting is my favorite. I love a uniform screen.
When I was in college, I had an opportunity to take a break from the stress of a new marriage and my studies. My step-father swung by my home on the way up to his lake cabin for the weekend and asked me to come along. I was hesitant at first, but my wife insisted. I am grateful for the invitation and the encouragement on both their parts.
It was a literal breath of fresh air, in that I could escape my stresses and enjoy a relaxing, distraction-free weekend. While there, I perused the bookshelf and came across a vintage copy of “For Whom The Bell Tolls” by Ernest Hemingway. After a few hours of reading, I think I was ready to finally go to sleep. But I didn’t sleep on the instant appreciation for where I was and what I had just read. Until the weekend was up and it was back to reality. And burrowed, in the back of my brain, was the spirit of Hemingway.
Not too many people can experience what he had experienced or live his lifestyle, but that doesn’t stop me from aspiring to. Years after that weekend at the lake cabin, I picked up a copy of “The Sun Also Rises” and that long forgotten spirit of Hemingway was renewed and inspired me again after it was read.
So, I’ve decided to do a deep study into the man and his influence when I set myself up to my digital typewriter. Hell, I want my old mechanical typewriter back just for the romance and nostalgia.
While living and working in Cuba, he set himself up in a fine home that was called Finca Vigia, or “Lookout Farm.” While doing research, I came across the letterhead of his stationary and thought to myself, I will have the same for myself as soon as possible. I used to have personalized stationary, complete with a custom seal press that read “From the Library of Chris Denbow.” Damn, why did I lose that? Why did I sell or trade off my entire library?
So, from henceforth until I leave this place, I am designating my new home in Florida as Coral del Cabo (Spanish). Eventually, the stationary will be printed and used. I have decided that while text and FaceTime are beneficial, nothing beats a handwritten or typed letter in the mail.
I could go on all night about the details and influences that Hemingway offers, but, as I finish my three fingers of Cutty Sark, I realize it is late. Perhaps I will dream about those short stories and unwritten novels and once again call on E.H. For inspiration.
— CJD from Coral del Cabo
I like to take on writing challenges for myself. Stop me if you’ve read this about me before, but every now and then I’ll finish a challenge. It’s rare. So why have I committed the month of August to writing a blog post for every day of the month?
For the hell of it of course. I have various interests and a lot to say about even more various topics. Thirty-one days- maybe I should be committed, so to speak.
How will I be able to publish something daily? No idea but it will be fun.
Anyway, welcome to August Blaugust, and check back daily for something new and hopefully interesting.
I’ve been experimenting with digital crossword puzzles and newsprint lately. With crosswords, I’ll solve the puzzle (entertaining in its own right) and then bonus(!) I will take a screenshot of it when complete. Then, in Apple Photos, use my Apple Pencil to markup the image to find words that stand out. After those are mapped out I will then cross out the rest to come up with some poetry. Although, that is limited to the words on the puzzle so they are more statement than poetry.
After reading an interesting article with Apple News, I will take a screenshot and do the same for the article- try to connect words and to form a new phrase or sentence.
The whole premise is ridiculous but it is mentally challenging and time consuming. I’ll see how long the fun lasts but for now, I am enjoying it.
I’ve been on a cycling kick for the past few months. Having access to a great road bicycle, dedicated bike lanes, flat surfaces, a patient trainer, a partner willing to try it and rides with me as well as finding a local group of other cyclists contribute to this.
Right now I am cycling every other day on an average of five miles. Group rides are ten miles and are encouraging. Weekly, I’d like to see myself at 35-40 miles and build from there.
An annoying setback, literally, is my lower back. I am doing a lot of pain management with ibuprofen and jacuzzi time. I am hoping that like any muscle after a good training session, that I can power through it to the point it is no longer an issue.
Psychologically, the rides are therapeutic in that I can relax and not think about anything other than taking in the sights and sounds as I breeze by them. I’ll ride by all sorts of flora and fauna then smile.
In the meantime, here is a half video of my most recent group ride in Naples as recorded in the Strava fitness app.
As a result of some new changes in website design and future-proofing my database, I’ll have to resist the temptation to add images to posts. I want this site and the database to be lightweight and streamlined. In the near future, I will add blog-related images to a specific Flickr folder designated “Website Images” or something to that effect. Maybe even add links to both that are easily accessible to the public here and there. That was the original intent of the social internet after all.
Back in December I was pondering whether or not I wanted to go back to Flickr after extinguishing my account back in 2019. After shutting down my photography website due to various reasons, including a lack of interest from anyone but myself, I need somewhere to store/display/backup my images.
Since 2004, Flickr has stuck it out as a platform and I was with them for 15 years. Now with their own changes and growth, I can see myself starting up a brand new, unlimited Flickr Pro account and upload decades worth of images. But, that will have to wait until funds are available. Once that happens, I am all in on Flickr again.
The objective, or desire, in creating this personalized database is ultimate vanity. It is ludicrous that such a disorganized individual such as myself can even hope to maintain it properly. Since I am a ludicrous individual I will go ahead and make the attempt anyway.
I want to be organized, disciplined and to catalog decades of writing, reading journals and notes all into one location for posterity. My interests are varied, the desire is great, and I need to do this for myself, and just maybe, someone else may find it of interest in the future. A legacy? Is that what I want for this project? Something to pass on to someone who may or may not be interested in any of this? Perhaps this can be of some use to my child someday.
Now, how to organize all of my works into one location? That is the purpose of DenbowOS, the Denbow Operating System. That is a challenge, and as of now, I have the time.
Do bursts of mental energy and inspiration come to me as I am ready for bed? Oh look, another rabbit hole to go down!
While researching an unrelated article, I came across that phrase, “Theseus’ Paradox” and went down a rabbit hole of nerd-scrolling after that. The Wikipedia page here details the story and the philosophy about it so I won’t get into details for now.
However, it does refer to the “Ship of Theseus”, from the Ancient Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. Then something sparked in me where I recalled I have a book in my library titled “S.” by J.J. Abrams, the famous movie director. Long time readers will remember a post back in March where I was tempted to read it but was overwhelmed at the time and wanted to read it properly. Well, after this new round of frequency illusion it is time for me to dive even deeper to see how far down the rabbit hole goes. Unrelated except by name only, there is a documentary film out of India with the same title, “Ship of Theseus” that has to do with photography. I need to find and watch this soon as well.