My website has being going for over twenty years. In that time, technology has transformed… Read the postPublishing On The Go
In the entire twenty years of this website’s existence, I have never monetized it. No… Read the postSupport
I’ve enjoyed using the DayOne journal app on my Apple devices since 2016 because it… Read the postGeo Location
Lately I’ve been playing ping-pong in my brain about changing platforms. I set myself up… Read the postOn Contentment
My current creative workflow is simple, on purpose. I’d rather be out there shooting than… Read the postPhoto Workflow
Speaking about personal websites, I just screened this video about the early web. I can… Read the postThe Wild Wild Web
When’s the last time you went to an actual website to read a real article… Read the postPersonal Publishing Principles
Anyone else noticed that today’s WWW is insufferable? I don’t specifically know when it turned,… Read the postThe Internet Is Broken
Yours truly was recently featured on a prominent website again. In the article, David was… Read the postThe Cult Of Mac
Lately, I’ve been thinking of the optimal lifestyle and how to get the best out… Read the postThe Ideal Life
“Nothing about the Internet is fixed, permanent, or inevitable. It is malleable, shape-shifting, and constantly… Read the postTake Charge