Tag: vsco

January 16, 2019 / Photography

Following up on my previous post about editing photos with the iPad and VSCO workflow, I wanted to add some even more simple tools. The iPad and it’s Photos app have some very basic editing tools and help simplify your workflow.  

When I import my images to the iPad from the Lightning SD card adapter I like to think of it as a contact sheet just like we used to use for film and a darkroom. When I review the thumbnails of these images I can tell almost instantly which are kept or to be discarded. And speaking of importing, lately I have been shooting more jpeg file format as opposed to RAW. Again, simplicity. When these everyday photos are just for my use and storage, I want to minimize the file size. Faster importing and lighter on the storage. Now when I shoot for clients, I will almost always shoot in both jpeg and RAW for the sharpest, best results. Moving on.

Every photographer’s goal is to get the image right in camera. While that isn’t always possible, it is possible to have fun and play with the lighting and filter tools. 

Adjust the lighting, exposure, shadows, saturation, contrast and more. Just explore and experiment with what looks good to you. Not for anyone else. For you. This is your time to play.

There is no such thing as the perfect processing technique. When playing with the process, take a look at the offered filters.
For color filters, I lean more toward the “Dramatic” look. For black and white I prefer the “Noir” look. If these don’t do it for you, I’d suggest looking at the filters in the VSCO app.

Be sure to fine tune your image with a careful crop and rotation. These can help eliminate background clutter and even a different perspective.

Another handy dandy feature is the Favorite button. These help me sort the best from the rest. When you favorite an image it’ll go into it’s own folder. From there I can process my fave images.

When the images are finalized I will usually distribute them to various places online like my websites, Flickr, VSCO and EyeEm. But before I do that, I ensure I have access using all of my devices such as the iPhone, iPad and my laptop. Your experiences will vary but for me, I keep it simple. I use the iOS Files app, iCloud backup and Microsoft’s OneDrive. Because…Windows.  

To wrap this up, the iPad for me is quickly becoming my default device for photo production. I am constantly tweaking and refining my experience to simply my workflow. 

November 21, 2018 / Journal


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Hikery at Oxley Nature Center 11/17/2018

36.225759, -95.899624

iPhone xR front camera 6.6mm f/2.8

September 2, 2018 / Photography

VSCO > Instagram

Instagram sucks. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it. VSCO has a great business model. They make and sell digital products to help enhance your photography and provide a social platform to host too. VSCO desktop presets for Adobe Lightroom and VSCO mobile are great tools to create and share your work.

Compare this to Instagram’s business model: advertising. Fun fact: I have never purchased anything from an online advertisement and I will go out of my way to not buy their products for their intrusive behavior. Also, I don’t want my data sold to anyone I don’t want to business with.

VSCO is minimally designed where the focus is on photography, not how many followers you have or comments and likes. These fake forms of measuring how good your image is can be unhealthy and distracting.

The attention to photography and storytelling beats the Instagram feed of 1 ad to every 4 photos. Instagram has ceased to be relevant and ceased being fun.

VSCO is a creative tool program where it provides the tools to edit your images and share on your feed or even in a journal format. Repost others in a Collection as a mood board of inspiration. Even reach out to others with private messaging.

I’ll still use Instagram for my Shots photo group and that’s all. I want to focus on enjoying photography again and being more creative as a result.

**Update** It is finished

April 12, 2018 / Journal

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Hikery at Turkey Mountain urban wilderness area. 04/11/2018 

36.1863688, -96.2376300

iPhone 8 Plus back dual camera 6.6mm f/2.8

VSCO Polaroid Instant 5

April 12, 2018 / Journal

Explore More.

Hikery at Turkey Mountain urban wilderness area. 04/11/2018

36.1863688, -96.2376300

iPhone 8 Plus back dual camera 6.6mm f/2.8

VSCO Polaroid Instant 5

Website | VSCO | Smugmug | EyeEm | Flickr | YouTube

April 1, 2018 / Journal

Explore More.

Hikery at Keystone Ancient Forest 03/31/2018 

36.1863688, -96.2376300

iPhone 8 Plus back dual camera 6.6mm f/2.8

VSCO Kodak Ultra 8

April 1, 2018 / Journal

A visit to a strange place will bring you renewed perspective

March 25, 2018 / Journal

Hikery at Osage Hills State park 3/23/2018

March 25, 2018 / Journal

March 18, 2018 / Journal

Explore more.
At Keystone Ancient Forest 36.1863688, -96.2376300

January 1, 2018 / Journal

The sun sets on the last, coldest day of 2017 in Tulsa