Tag: Ubuntu

June 10, 2013 / Journal

For the past few years I have rejected the Microsoft Windows operating system in favor of Linux Ubuntu.

Open source software, software upgrades and updates every 6 months are all very appealing.

However, I am tired of trying so hard to accomplish a task that takes too long in Linux that is a breeze in Windoze.

So, I fired up a clean install of Windows 8 (still hate the interface), re-added Office 2010, Photoshop and Lightroom. I was missing these apps the most. Everything else is synchronized via Google products.

Oh, and where did Microsoft hide the primary button?

April 27, 2013 / Journal

Time to update

April 20, 2013 / Journal

Since my digital sabbatical started yesterday morning, I’ve decided to clean up and purge a few things.

I removed the Linux and Windows 7 partitions and did a clean install of Ubuntu 13 Beta Raring Ringtail as the primary operating system. Also added Virtualbox.

Inside the virtual hard disks I am running Windows 7, Fedora 18 and pretty soon Linux Mint.

These will be for various programs, testing and needs.

December 30, 2012 / Journal

Completely customized desktop running Linux. Clean, minimal and eye-catching in it’s simplicity.