Tag: shenanigans

July 20, 2018 / Journal

Do more don’ts

July 18, 2018 / Journal

Traveled up and down the Mother Road from Oklahoma City to Tulsa, Baxter
Springs, Kansas, Joplin, Missouri and all points in between recently.
We’ll do the rest eventually but for now…

July 18, 2018 / Journal

Traveled up and down the Mother Road from Oklahoma City to Tulsa, Baxter
Springs, Kansas, Joplin, Missouri and all points in between recently.
We’ll do the rest…eventually

Website | VSCO | Smugmug | EyeEm | Flickr | YouTube

July 6, 2018 / Journal

Create vs. Consume

I am reading and curating a lot lately for various reasons. Inspiration, mostly but also for reflection and knowledge.

What I am not doing lately is creating. I learn better by doing but haven’t been inspired yet.

This doesn’t make sense.

I’m torn. Should I “just do it” and learn as I go or do I study then practice what I’ve learned?

June 28, 2018 / Journal

Photography misadventures

June 8, 2018 / Journal

I enjoyed Anthony Bourdain’s travel and food shows when I could catch them but will find time to watch more now that he has passed. Dry wit, curiosity no non-sense bullshit and enjoyed life by meeting people over good food in great places around the world. Inspiring.

Also inspiring was some of his attitudes:

“If I’m an advocate for anything, it’s to move. As far as you can, as
much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. The
extent to which you can walk in someone else’s shoes or at least eat
their food, it’s a plus for everybody. Open your mind, get up off the
couch, move.”

“I’m a big believer in momentum. As an ex-abuser of drugs, I’m not a
person who should have any pleasurable interruptions. Inactivity, time
for reflection–these are not good for me. I work a lot, do a lot of
different things, but I think in some ways I’m overcompensating for the
inner, hidden knowledge that somewhere deep inside me there’s a lazy
hippie waiting to get out, that if I’m given the opportunity, I’d lay
down on the couch, turn on Adventure Time or The Simpsons, smoke a joint, and lay there for the next six months. If I go to work, I’m going to do things. I keep at them.”

“Create an esprit de corp, and a feeling that you are an elite,
that even if you have the shittiest jobs within a large organization,
you should feel proud of the fact that you’re part of something.
Recognize excellence. Celebrate weirdness, and innovation. Oddballs
should be cherished, if they can do something other people can’t do.”

“Who, after all, wants a ‘sensible’ relationship? Might it follow then
that we shouldn’t aspire to live always by sensible choices? That what
is good for us in the short term is not always the ‘best’ way? To live
always by what’s right now in front of our faces and the imperatives of
keeping things running smoothly for me and mine, good business, no
problems — that’s the kind of shopkeeper mentality that got the world
into a whole lot of shit back in the day. So, maybe, just maybe, fuck

“A few years back, I got the words, ‘I am certain of nothing’ tattooed
on my arm. It’s what makes travel what it is, an endless learning curve,
the joy of being wrong, of being confused.”

“The absolute certainty that no one was ever going to care about or buy or read Kitchen Confidential was
what allowed me to write it. I didn’t have to think about what people
expected. I didn’t care. As a result, I was able to write this book
quickly and without tormenting myself.”

June 8, 2018 / Journal

I enjoyed Anthony Bourdain’s travel and food shows when I could catch
them but will find time to watch more now that he has passed. Dry wit,
curiosity no non-sense bullshit and enjoyed life by meeting people over
good food in great places around the world. Inspiring.

Also inspiring was some of his attitudes:

“If I’m an advocate for anything, it’s to move. As far as you can, as
much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. The
extent to which you can walk in someone else’s shoes or at least eat
their food, it’s a plus for everybody. Open your mind, get up off the
couch, move.”

“I’m a big believer in momentum. As an
ex-abuser of drugs, I’m not a
person who should have any pleasurable interruptions. Inactivity, time
for reflection–these are not good for me. I work a lot, do a lot of
different things, but I think in some ways I’m overcompensating for the
inner, hidden knowledge that somewhere deep inside me there’s a lazy
hippie waiting to get out, that if I’m given the opportunity, I’d lay
down on the couch, turn on Adventure Time or The Simpsons, smoke a
joint, and lay there for the next six months. If I go to work, I’m going
to do things. I keep at them.”

“Create an esprit de corp, and a feeling that you are an elite,
that even if you have the shittiest jobs within a large organization,
you should feel proud of the fact that you’re part of something.
Recognize excellence. Celebrate weirdness, and innovation. Oddballs
should be cherished, if they can do something other people can’t do.”

“Who, after all, wants a ‘sensible’ relationship? Might it follow then
that we shouldn’t aspire to live always by sensible choices? That what
is good for us in the short term is not always the ‘best’ way? To live
always by what’s right now in front of our faces and the imperatives of
keeping things running smoothly for me and mine, good business, no
problems — that’s the kind of shopkeeper mentality that got the world
into a whole lot of shit back in the day. So, maybe, just maybe, fuck

“A few years back, I got the words, ‘I am certain of nothing’ tattooed
on my arm. It’s what makes travel what it is, an endless learning curve,
the joy of being wrong, of being confused.”

“The absolute certainty that no one was ever going to care about or buy or read Kitchen Confidential was
what allowed me to write it. I didn’t have to think about what people
expected. I didn’t care. As a result, I was able to write this book
quickly and without tormenting myself.”

June 1, 2018 / Journal

Little Sahara State Park
36.534896, -98.880814

June 1, 2018 / Journal

Gloss Mountain state park


June 1, 2018 / Journal

May 18, 2018 / Journal

How beneficial is all this research I am doing for various projects if if I’m not willing to apply it?

I tend to overthink and research topics to the point I am overwhelmed and paralyzed into inaction. I will do a little more research and thinking I haven’t done enough. Procrastinating?

It gets to the point when I get comfortable with just doing the research and thinking that is enough. Learning isn’t the same as doing, I know this but ignore it.What I don’t know is if my applying what I have learned is going to be either perfect or will it be half-assed?

This shouldn’t paralyze me but it does. If anything else I will be closer to my goals by trying it and editing along the way. Like Nike tells us, “just do it.”

May 15, 2018 / Journal

“Anyone can take pictures. What’s difficult is thinking about them, organizing them, and trying to use them in some way so that some meaning can be constructed out of them. That’s really where the work of the artist begins.” 

–  Lewis Baltz

May 15, 2018 / Journal

Attempts at putting ten year old thoughts and plots into a novel is frustrating. Finding the right/write tools even more so. 

May 12, 2018 / Journal

Natural Falls State Park
36.173817, -94.667880

May 12, 2018 / Journal