Tag: Photography

April 23, 2015 / Journal
November 28, 2014 / Journal

Organizing digital and print photos from decades and multiple devices and hard drives are a pain in the buttocks

June 19, 2014 / Photography

I have been asked to host and sponsor the local Houston chapter of the Drink and Click™ organization. The premise is simple- We meet at a bar to have a drink, talk about Photography/Social Media, laugh and have fun together. Then we move to another bar, take pictures in between… and repeat until the night is over! 

We welcome any level of photographers with any type of gear. We might be able to teach you something or we might be learning something from you.

Drinking alcohol is not required or endorsed! Even if you only want to drink nonalcoholic drinks, we welcome you to come on our photowalks and have fun with us!


Due to remote micro management and licensing issues, I have decided to back away from this. In fact, while this organization has spread globally, it has yet to have a Houston presence. – CD 09/2024.

May 2, 2014 / Journal

DVD enjoyed her first professional sports game at Compass stadium. The Houston Dynamo tied the Portland Timbers 1-1.

April 18, 2014 / Photography

Google updated their stock camera app. Basically they took the best parts of my Nexus 5 camera app and enhanced it. 

Added a smart blur for greater depth of field, horizontal panoramas, 50MB photospheres, manual adjustments (like a DSLR) and more. Neat!

April 17, 2012 / Photography
October 19, 2011 / Journal

I’ve been selling/donating books and throwing out old magazines.

I’m saving space and money by going digital.

The Evo has a huge screen but I still have eye strain when reading from it.

My birthday is coming way too soon.

I want/need the new Amazon Kindle Fire tablet.

September 4, 2011 / Journal

I’m doing it again. As the website’s current byline claims: “Never satisfied”, I am reorganizing and streamlining.

Project 1: Adding Daphne’s images to her web gallery which is tied into this website http://chrisdenbow.website/dvd

Project 2: Migrating all of my images off of both Flickr accounts (6 years worth). My Flickr Pro account will expire this month and I am not anxious to renew it after all these years. Lack of innovation and customer support has me looking to my own server. I tried SmugMug but can’t get into it.

Project 3: Uploading a majority of these to a photo gallery attached to my personal photography site

May 9, 2010 / Journal

This weekend Daphne and I spent a lot of time together while WonderWife went to a ladies retreat at church camp. First up was the Katy Photographer Meetup where we walked around La Centerra. The challenge was a point & shoot shootout using only PnS cameras and not our big DSLRs.

Daphne snapped away with her Olympus and I borrowed Jenny’s Canon. Afterwards we all met in the library to see everyone else’s perspective. I forgot to bring a card reader and we couldn’t view her images. I’ll post them online soon.

December 1, 2009 / Journal

The Doors of Opportunity

Smart people plan ahead for whatever economic issues are going on. In times of plenty and poverty we should always be thinking of opportunities to generate more income. I am not talking about get rich quick schemes or programs to help you live the life of your dreams. No, what I am talking about will be just enough extra income to have your passion pay for itself. If what you love to do helps you make money and provide value to someone else, why not explore your options?

These are a few opportunities I am looking at as a means to generate income outside of a regular paying gig. By all means, take what you will and make it yours. Heck, feel free to share your ideas here as well. We’re all in this together, right?

  • freelance photography,
  • citizen journalism
  • stock photography
  • consulting services
  • personalized merchandise
  • fine art prints
  • ebooks are a big deal these days (if done right)
  • affiliate advertising on your website
  • downloads such as stock images, desktop wallpaper
  • Etsy, Deviant Art
  • online courses
  • tech support

Its a safe bet that if you use tools that you already own and the savvy to produce it, you can create something of value. Be willing to explore your options and even think outside of your niche for opportunities. I’ve witnessed a few friends earning extra cash just for a minimal investment.

Ask your immediate network of their interest to gauge the needs/wants and expand from there. Market yourself again, using all the tools at your disposal. Try not to be pushy or spammy. The content or service will speak for itself. Do ask for feedback and testimonials as this will go far in establishing yourself as someone who can deliver.

And remember what my mother always told me:

Be prepared to take advantage of the opportunity…

Again, I’d love to hear more ideas if you are keen on sharing them. I’d even consider a collaborative project too if we can swing it. Best regards and much success to you!

November 2, 2009 / Journal

Don't worry, you are not alone

As promised, the Mojo deconstruction project is coming along nicely. I’m in the process of dropping that brand into one that reflects myself and whatever projects I choose to endure. The new website is waiting on me to back up the WordPress database, switch over the servers and reinstall. I imagine I will add a few more bells & whistles this time around too. If you come to the Mojo address after the conversion, it will redirect you to the new address. As for now, I want to alert everyone to some contact information changes.

Website: http://chrisdenbow.website (coming soon)

Email: chrisdenbow@gmail.com or chris@chrisdenbow.website

Skype: chrisdenbow

GTalk IM: chrisdenbow  Yahoo: chris.denbow

Twitter: @chrisdenbow (coming soon)

GVoice: New number! 281.206.4253

I am still considering what to do with my photography business, Photo Mojo and that re-branding effort. I am heavily invested there and to change that now would take some extra time and revenue. If you have any suggestions for a new name, I’d love to review it. I’ve already killed any notion of using “Chris Denbow Photography” due to it’s boring, uninspired, de-creative, full-of-suck title.  I need creative, anti-suck branding here!

Thank You!

PS: you people are the anti-suck