Tag: Photography

March 1, 2025 / Art

I ask for so much from art but sometimes I think I offer nothing in return.

After years of thinking this way, I realized that art asks for my attention and focus. Not my perfection, not my productivity—just me. Art asks you to show up, to listen, to engage. It asks for your willingness to wrestle with uncertainty, to risk vulnerability, to sit in the silence where ideas form ( if you can do so, you are more disciplined than I am.)

Art doesn’t demand grand gestures. It doesn’t care if you have all the answers. What it craves is your attention, your curiosity, your willingness to let it lead sometimes. It wants you to trust it, even when it makes no sense.

Previously I mentioned that “I offer nothing in return”, but consider this: you give art a space to exist. Without you, it would remain unmade. You give it form, even if only in fragments. You give it life, even if only for yourself.

What happens if you start treating art like a relationship rather than a transaction? What if, instead of asking art to serve you, you asked how you could serve it? What might it become if you gave it your trust, your time, your patience? Then I thought:

Art is a companion. Maybe that’s all it’s ever asked of you.


Yeah, that one got me. Sometimes we get so caught up in getting something from our art—validation, meaning, escape—that we forget it’s alive in its own way. It wants something from us, too. Maybe just a little reverence. Maybe just to be made without expectation. Maybe just to exist without needing to prove itself.

Art is weird like that. It mirrors what we bring to it. If we demand, it resists. If we fear, it hesitates. But if we listen, art speaks to us. .

February 5, 2025 / Photography

Oh Nakita1. Darling Nikki:2 It will be fantastic to get you in my hands again.

What am I talking about? The return of the Nikon D90 DSLR is imminent because I have decided to trade in my Ricoh GR.

MBP made me a generous offer on it allowing me to trade that for the Nikon and a very nice 80-400mm Nikkor telephoto lens. This will be ideal to capture the local wildlife without disturbing them.

The Ricoh is a great little camera but has no option to swap lenses and is great for up close and personal. I can do that with other cameras. No, I need something more robust and versatile.

Long-time readers will remember I first acquired this camera way back in 2008.

  1. With apologies to Elton John ↩︎
  2. With apologies to Prince ↩︎
January 31, 2025 / Photography

I am trying not to add too many images on to this website’s database and possibly lose them in the future. Want to see an osprey on Capitva Island for this week’s Flyday? Better go check out the new photography page of this website!

January 26, 2025 / Photography

The one disappointing aspect of rebuilding the website is due to the images and photographs not populating into the correct posts. I have all of the images but there is zero chance of me going back to each post and assigning those pictures to them.

In the future, I will need to discipline myself not to add images to the posts here. Perhaps I can due an embed from Flickr since they are my photo host. Or, just display those images on the dedicated photography website I haven’t finished building out yet.

Either way, this website is going to be predominantly text-based.

January 25, 2025 / Photography

…is back online. I have finally reacquired the rights to the domain name. I have even given it a new coat of paint and worked the backend so it should render quickly and smoothly. You can find it by clicking the link or visiting the Photographing section of this website.

The Flyday project is in there too. I am thinking of resurrecting the Palm Sunday project as well.

January 24, 2025 / Photography
Pelican flying overhead on Ft Myers Beach

January 20, 2025 / Photography
Remnant of 2022’s hurricane Ian
January 18, 2025 / Journal

Enjoyed a beautiful outing in Bonita Springs and Estero today that did not involve work. First stop was the Everglades Wonder Gardens, host to amazing landscapes and animal encounters. I was introduced to a few species of animals and birds I have never seen before, and added to my list of birds observed while in Florida.

Afterwards we enjoyed a delicious Caribbean meal that included conch fritters and pineapple/mango/peppers shrimp served in a half cut pineapple. Those flavors were overwhelmingly yummy.

January 18, 2025 / Journal

If I had the time, desire or moolah to do it, I would create a comprehensive seashell identifier app that would help viewers discover what they have found and catalog them. Exhibit A: the long, black shell shown in the photo. Is it an angel wing shell? A mollusk? Shell if I know!

Recent finds off of Captiva Island
January 17, 2025 / Journal

Spooked this egret when I was working in the field under chilly, cloudy conditions.

January 10, 2025 / Journal

A pelican flies parallel to the Sanibel Island Causeway while I was driving across.

January 5, 2025 / Journal

Video filming is not a skill I have but at the same time I really don’t want to pursue it either. I admire my little brother’s ability to film, edit and make a final product worthy of showing everyone over an audience of one.

The second attempt at setting up a trail camera backfired again. However, it did manage to capture…myself when I was talking with neighbors as they boated down the canal. Not the wildlife I was hoping to capture.

Another video attempt was made when I took the drone out for a few test flights. Remind me to pivot the camera out and not down. I have lovely footage of the ground that doesn’t do me any good. Lessons learned.

January 3, 2025 / Photography

A new photo project? Capturing a bird in flight during the week and post it on a Friday? I’ll try this and see if it sticks! In the meantime, enjoy the grey heron in flight over Estero, Florida.

January 1, 2025 / Journal

Ever since we relocated to Florida I have wanted to set up a trail camera to capture the local, bountiful wildlife in the backyard. After receiving an Amazon gift card I have done just that. I set it up yesterday in a good spot and hoped for the best. The idea was to capture the highly active creatures by day and night.

The first results are in: good camera angles, poor execution on my part. It seems the only wildlife I caught, in vivid photos and video, was myself as I installed and removed the camera. Aargh! Time to check the settings to recalibrate the sensors and timing of the camera. Lesson learned? We’ll see tomorrow!

December 28, 2024 / Photography

The Pentax Auto 110 has been one of my favorite discoveries as a photographer. After years of looking, I have finally acquired one today and at a ridiculously low price! It’s incredibly fits-in-your-pocket small—but still a proper SLR with interchangeable lenses, which is unheard of for a 110mm format film camera.

The 50mm f/2.8 lens is for portraits; it gives such a nice sharpness while still keeping everything lightweight and compact. The 24mm f/2.8 lens will be my go-to for casual walks and capturing scenes with a bit of a wider perspective. And then there’s the 18mm f/2.8 lens, which is just plain fun—it’s perfect for those dramatic wide-angle shots, especially of architecture or landscapes.

The external flash is a bit of a bonus. I don’t use flash all that often, but when I do, it works really well and keeps the whole system feeling like a cohesive little kit. Overall, it’s such a neat setup for someone like me who just enjoys experimenting with film photography without lugging around a ton of gear.