Tag: music

June 7, 2022 / Journal

“There is now a little question that how one uses one’s attention, moment to moment, largely determines what kind of person one becomes. Our minds, our lives are largely shaped by how we use them.” – Sam Harris

In other words, we are what we consume. I want to create a monthly log of my media consumption that tracks my passivity, and cultivates my creativity. Example: If I go further, I could map how reading a book sparks a desire to see a show based on it for a broader perspective. A podcast could point me towards a book I otherwise would have passed up.

I’ll attempt to track the shows and movies I stream (no cable service for me!), books I’ve read, podcasts/music I’ve listened to and the rare YT video I watch. This second edition to the media log rounds out the month of May.


The Toy

Top Gun

Top Gun 2

Worth the 30 year wait

Fifth Element


F1 racing- Barcelona

F1 racing- Monaco

Sergio Perez for the win

EUFA championship

Madrid 1-0 over Liverpool

Stranger Things S4 pt 1

Strange New Worlds

Books (April/May)

Laser Writer II

Debt- the first 5,000 years

The Utopia of Rules

Bullshit Jobs


Not Lost

iPhoneography Podcast


Streaming Audio Denbow playlist

That’s all for the month of May!

May 19, 2022 / Journal

“Being a writer is like having homework every night for the rest of your life.”

– Lawrence Kasdan

This quote could also be used for any hobby endeavor we choose such as photography, crochet, micro electronics, Ham radio, etc.

A hobbyist is constantly researching techniques, going over best practices and learning how to apply them. You don’t just sit down at your keyboard and start cranking out paragraphs without research on the topic. You learn to see the world through the lens of your hobby and wonder how your craft fits into it, or what you can glean from the world to use it. A hobbyist is always shooting, writing, sewing, tinkering and noticing. A photographer is constantly tilting their head looking for angles and composition or color coordinating. Then act on it. A writer is frequently attaching verbal descriptions to a situation and then document it.

“To write, I first must world”

– Laurel Schwulst

Any experience that can be seen as possibly mundane suddenly has meaning, such as grocery shopping, sitting in traffic or walking through the streets. This means they are alert, focused, awakened and deliberately taking their findings to be applied later as homework. Though this homework is not graded, it does help advance our self-induced education, and we are all the better for it.

April 14, 2022 / Journal

Click the button below to listen in on what keeps me going when I am typing text or processing photos.

December 6, 2008 / Journal

Blues Legend, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo.

Five time Grammy award winner Buddy Guy cranks out another jam session at the House of Blues.