I’ve enjoyed using the DayOne journal app on my Apple devices since 2016 because it… Read the postGeo Location
I am on a hiatus with analog film photography for now. The price of film,… Read the postDigital > Analog
I was a charter member of the photo hosting site, Flickr since it’s inception back… Read the postBack To Flickr
Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what… Read the postMake Do With What You Got
Lately I am having issues with my ankles turning while on a dirt trail or… Read the postA Different Path
Which should I listen to? I’ve come to realize lately that my body has more… Read the postBody Over Mind
From the creators of Geocaching.com comes a fairly new way to use GPS coordinates to… Read the postAdventure Lab- Tulsa Street Art
There is a need for a Global Atlas of Pedestrian Infrastructure. Maps of pedestrian bridges,… Read the postA Better Map
It’s none of their business that you have to learn how to write. Let them… Read the postBorn To Do It
Every year between September and February, it seems I am my most creative and ambitious.… Read the postTis The Season To Create