Tag: Journal

October 24, 2024 / Journal

The Hipstamatic camera system has been a source of photographic joy for me in the previous ten years. However they, like other developers, have chosen to scrap all previous agreements and go to the subscription-based model for revenue. I say go for it, but leave me out. I knew this was a possibility last year and in a few weeks, there will be a prompt to subscribe.

I have just completed my 365 photo-a-day goal wherein only the Hipstamatic was used. I took advantage of its unique blend of lenses, film, and flashes to create odd, macro images all in the square 1:1 format. The entire project has been uploaded to Flickr.

October 23, 2024 / Journal

While I was traveling through the Deep South, we drove over the Gulf of Mexico to arrive at Dauphin Island, the site of an old French fort (now called Fort Gaines) protecting Mobile Bay. While there, I was reminded of the geodetic survey markers that the United States Geological Survey has installed throughout the country. These are designed as fixed data points for all manner of uses. For our purposes, though, it is a game of hide-n-seek writ large.

Survey Markers

The USGS has a data map where you can see what is around you and provides all manner of data. We’re more interested in the GPS coordinates and then look on foot.

Basic Find-and-Catalog Game

Objective: Participants simply find and log US survey markers in a basic online or mobile catalog. They can take a photo and record basic details (location, date, any noticeable features).

How It Works:

• Find a marker.

• Take a picture.

• Log it (a journal or Google My Maps).

Screenshot of marker I added to Google My Maps

This gives people a fun excuse to get outdoors and notice things they’d usually walk past.

Personal Challenge or Goal

Make it a personal challenge—how many markers can you find in a month, or on a walk? You could challenge friends or yourself without leaderboards or complicated point systems.

How It Works:

Set a goal (find 5 markers this week or locate 3 markers in new places you’ve never visited). Share progress with a friend or a group. It adds a bit of gamification without being overwhelming or requiring major infrastructure.

Local Exploration

Focus on finding survey markers only in your local area. It doesn’t need to be a nationwide or competitive project—just a way for people to explore their immediate surroundings.

Historical Markers

The same can be done for those Historical Markers that we all whiz by at top speed and ignore. Find a few in your area with a web search and then make it a point to visit on your own time as opposed to whizzing by again. Read the history, absorb it and find a new appreciation for those surroundings. For example, I knew that Ponce de Leon had first explored Florida’s east coast but not the western section, and not too far from me either!

Screenshot of an historical marker 20 miles to the north of us. The year was 1513!
October 21, 2024 / Journal

I have rearranged my home study into something…functional, but lack the energy to take advantage of that right now. The guest bed has been removed and in its place, a desk for analog work such as collage and correspondence.

I hit the gym for the first time in two weeks and I am feeling it. I even took a nap due to lack of good sleep while attempting to capture the Orionids meteor shower early this morning. Now, all I want to do is sleep and watch something mind-numbing.

Don’t forget the tripod next time, Sleepyhead.
October 19, 2024 / Journal

In honor of Inter Miami’s record-setting season that just wrapped up, I have changed the highlighted colors on this site to the team’s pink home kit. They will host the MLS Cup playoffs starting next week with the final on my birthday, December 7. I’ll leave the colors up until then. Or, I’ll change my mind. That happens. These team colors of pink and black matches well with the new dark mode script I installed too.

Before the team was awarded the season’s trophy, the FIFA president announced that Inter Miami, in a never-before-opportunity, has earned a spot in the 2025 World Cup were they will host the first round in Miami. No major league team anywhere has played side-by-side with their national team. Is it conceivable that the United States, the host country, plays and loses to a team from it’s own country?

Maybe, perhaps maybe, I can convince Tracy to agree with joining me to go see another World Cup.

October 18, 2024 / Journal

If I leave here tomorrow 
Would you still remember me?

For I must be traveling on now 
‘Cause there’s too many places I’ve got to see…

— Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd

By weaving music into our travel narrative, we can emphasize the role of sound in experiencing different cultures and locations.

For example, the lyrics at the beginning of this post were especially poignant when visiting the band’s airplane crash site and memorial. The song “Free Bird” was a fitting tribute and enhanced our experience as we drove away and listened to a few other hits from the band. The goosebumps were visible on the arm as it steered the car.

Further down the road, I switched the soundtrack to “New Orleans and Dixieland Jazz Essentials” as we drove over Lake Pontchartrain and into N.O. The experience is enhanced with relative music.

Specific songs or genres can evoke memories, reflect the character of a place, and enhance the overall journey.

“El Camino Negro” or, “The Black Road” is a perfect soundtrack while driving through western Texas, New Mexico or the California desert.

And no road trip soundtrack would be complete if you don’t add Johnny Cash’s ultimate travel song “I’ve Been Everywhere”

I’ve been everywhere, man 
I’ve been everywhere, man 
Crossed the deserts bare, man 
I’ve breathed the mountain air, man 
Of travel I’ve had my share, man 
I’ve been everywhere

So let me encourage you fellow travelers to be open to discovering new music during your journey. Create a communal playlist where each traveler can contribute their favorite songs related to the locations you visit along the way, fostering a shared experience and making the road trip more memorable.

October 17, 2024 / Journal

This morning I woke up to an unusually chilly day down here in southwest Florida. A cold front blew its way down, probably following us from Tulsa, because it was 60 degrees with a light wind. Thankfully, I still had my one sweatshirt close by from our trip up north.

While walking outside around the house surveying the hurricane clean-up needs, I noticed, really noticed the diverse flora at our home and smiled. We don’t have these species back where I am from. Oh, and that coconut that was left in the yard from a few months ago has sprouted two large palm fronds. We need to move that somewhere else before it plants roots and grows into the power lines above it.

I snapped some images with the iPhone as I walked and surveyed the plants. Okay, according to the Information button found inside Apple Photos, we have an Areca palm, 2 tall coconut trees, a tree called Job’s Tears, an avocado tree, an Izote tree (yucca), 6 Garden Croton, 5 Spider Lily, several Tiplants, 1 surviving banana plant left (2 died in the storm), a dwarf umbrella tree, a Spiderwort plant, Shell Ginger, Yew plum pine tree, and a few more royal palm trees. Throw in your garden variety tropical shrubs and wow, what a unique, diverse collection we have here just in our yard.

Garden Croton
Izote Yucca

The landscaping needs a lot of love after being left on its own for a year and a half. I’m looking forward to the projects…someday. Because a lot of these flora are self-sustaining and low maintenance, landscaping is on the back burner. Hopefully, though, we can tackle this while it is still an unusually cool fall and winter.

P.S. I neglected to mention the Dragon Sword plant I purchased for Tracy as our housewarming gift. This has yet to be planted. But where?

October 16, 2024 / Journal

All he needed was a wheel in his hand and four on the road.

Jack Kerouac

We took the long way back home to Cape Coral and racked up a little over 3,100 miles round trip. For perspective, the distance from coast to coast in the United States varies based on the specific starting and ending points, but it typically ranges from 2,400 to 3,500 miles.

Hurricanes Helene and Milton were devastating, as we witnessed separately, their power in the big bend of Florida and between Tampa and home.

We are grateful for the unexpected road trip, the safe travels back, our family back home, and an undamaged house.

I have a lot to think about due to the inspiration that travel offers. Quite a bit to write about as well, in fact, I have been writing quite a bit.

Tomorrow we’ll take down the shutter boards off the lanai, windows and doors. Yard clean-up, trash, and return the pool/patio furniture where they belong. I’ve already re-filled the low, dirty pool water, added six gallons of chlorine and ran the pool pump most of the night.

Maybe, just maybe, after all of that, I’ll have some time to follow-up on that road inspiration and write a bit more. Then I can start to sort, organize all of the creative material I accumulated from a very generous patron of my arts (you know who you are.)

October 11, 2024 / Journal

I love used bookstores, has it been mentioned? While in Oklahoma I decided to swing by the buy/sell/trade store and pick up some desired reference books such as a dictionary, thesaurus and an encyclopedia. Even the History of the National Geographic Society was grabbed.

Now I am on the look out for an atlas and a globe. These have all been on my list to add for the new study in the new home.

October 11, 2024 / Journal

I want to go on more adventures. Be around good energy, connect with people, learn new things and grow. – Chris Denbow

I wrote this exactly ten years ago and am pleased that this hasn’t changed.

I’m digging my script that allows me to revisit previous posts.

October 10, 2024 / Journal

Thanks to another coronal mass ejection from our star, the aurora borealis made another appearance further south than usual. I was blessed to witness this event back in May and blessed again for being further north in Oklahoma to see it again.

The light show started just as a small thunderstorm passed to my south but partly cloudy to the north. Thankfully, the clouds dissipated enough for these results!

October 10, 2024 / Journal

Upon further inspection of the Orion constellation image I took the other morning1 I noticed multiple nebulae. Had I remembered or even noticed, I would have broken out the tripod and opened up the shutter longer for a better shot. Here, the Horsehead and Flame nebulas are quite visible, as is the Orion Nebula to the lower right. I’ll try again on the return trip home.

  1. what day is it, I am evacuating Milton ↩︎
October 9, 2024 / Journal

Above Quincy, Florida

October 8, 2024 / Journal

After boarding up the house, we left Cape Coral, Florida on Monday, October 7 at 12:30pm to escape from Category 5 Hurricane Milton. Interstate 75 north bound was already filled with fellow evacuees. It seems some have no sense of urgency during evacuations because no less than 30 times I am following a car in the left lane as they drive 10-15 mph less than the permitted 75mph. They would leave gaps in between themselves and the next car anywhere from 2 car lengths to 10 car lengths. Maddening!

Normally the drive from Cape Coral to Tampa would take 2 hours. This time it took 8. I had enough of I-75 and decided to divert west to the Suncoast Parkway parallel to the Gulf of Mexico. Thankfully, the governor had removed the tolls and we flew northwest through the big bend area of Florida…until we came to more stop/go traffic at various spots. There was a backup of 30 miles due to…something. There was another 30 mile backup for no reason. We tried to bed down a couple of times but only managed an hour nap in the car. This area was hit by Hurricane Helene not more than a week ago and the evidence was all around us. We pressed on to the rest of the rural Florida panhandle until we hit a massive rest stop west of Tallahassee. Technically, we were in the clear after a monotonous, frustrating 20 hr drive, having been awake for 30 hours and maybe 3 hrs sleep. After this, we raced to the Florida/Alabama border and began to feel even more at ease. While en route we drove through Milton, Florida just as hurricane Milton was geographically positioned below us in the Gulf. Haha, not today you don’t get us.

Having crossed Mobile Bay, and observed the U.S.S. Alabama battleship, we drove under the city through the Bankhead Tunnel and joined in with the other driver’s in the echoing song of car horns. All of us shared a smile through the windshields.

Tonight finds me on the Mississippi gulf coast line. No clouds, beautiful blue skies. We gorged on boiled and/or blackened shrimp, and fixings until we popped. After we have cleaned ourselves up, we stretch out onto a bed, finally, after two days.

Milton will arrive either Wednesday or Thursday between Tampa and Cape Coral. Evacuating our new home was a smart decision. I just pray that when we return, there will be minimal to no damage to it.

She’s asleep, now it is my turn.

October 7, 2024 / Journal

After boarding up the house this morning we hit the road to escape Hurricane Milton. Eleven hours to go only 250 miles due to other evacuees. We still have a long way to go but this day has been exhausting. Time for a quick nap and then back at it overnight. Hopefully traffic will be lighter and we can make our way out safely.

October 6, 2024 / Journal

Walking outside before an approaching hurricane can be a surreal and powerful experience. To safely immerse yourself in that moment while remaining mindful of the conditions, is something to appreciate.

As you spend some time outside, you can easily contemplate the immense power of the natural world. It will remind us of what we have ignored and should humble us.

This morning I observed several things, almost all at once. The drop in barometric pressure, the lower than normal temperature, the air blowing easterly being pulled West into the Gulf and powering the oncoming hurricane. The humidity thickens. This is a moment of anticipation and a palpable energy in the air. Nature is wild and untamable. It is hubris to think we can control it. I just wish I could control the headache and sinus pressure induced by this storm. Okay, blood pressure meds and ibuprofen consumed. Where was I?

The birdsong is gone this morning. The little lizards and the big reptiles are no longer visible. The burrowing owls and rabbits have probably stored their food underground and wait. So I observed on resilience and how we are connected to everything around us.

The canal water behind us flows faster and flows a yellowish-green murkiness. The sky’s colors shift from orange, purple then gray with a strange overcast. The palm fronds rustle in the breeze and hopefully the palm roots are getting a good grip below while they can.

The smells change too. Must be the brackish storm surge coming in from the ocean, up the river and into the canals. Then you can smell the salt air. I love that smell.

Later, when out and about, I can see the grocery, hardware and convenience stores packed full of cars and people as they try to stock up at the last moment. Cursing the stores, each other and the government, forgetting that the supplies were available, but not at the last minute. The steps taken ahead of time, have served us well.

The concerned people we visited with today over lunch, were doing just that. Panicked, frustrated, full of blame and generally scared. They did not understand why we were concerned, but not worried into a panic due to supplies. They were long-time residents here, we are not. They might have known better if they were honest with themselves.

This is my twelfth(?) named storm. That could be higher, I forget. But the calm before the storm is a chance for me to focus and calm myself in advance. There is nothing I can do to prevent a storm but I can do everything in advance to prepare for it.