Tag: Journal

January 18, 2015 / / Journal

Playing Jazz on a Sunday morning with the new record player. Ahh.

January 10, 2015 / / Journal

Shameless selfie. I feel like a dork now that I need glasses.

January 4, 2015 / / Journal
November 28, 2014 / / Journal
November 25, 2014 / / Journal
November 12, 2014 / / Journal

Life has thrown a big change at me recently. It’s put my mind all over…

November 11, 2014 / / Journal
October 11, 2014 / / Journal
July 2, 2014 / / Journal
June 22, 2014 / / Journal
June 13, 2014 / / Journal

Makes Chris a very dull boy.

May 14, 2014 / / Journal

And then I realized that adventures are the best way to learn.

May 11, 2014 / / Journal

Sunday night is Blues jam night featuring the rare Hendrix blues session among the classics.…

May 10, 2014 / / Journal
May 2, 2014 / / Journal