Tag: Journal

March 13, 2017 / Journal
October 2, 2016 / Journal
July 19, 2016 / Journal

Really enjoying watching the kid work on her own images and website.

July 16, 2016 / Journal

Found a photo from 2010 of my young photographer with her newly inherited Olympus. Also testing out the new logo watermark.

January 10, 2016 / Journal

Three nights in a row I’ll come home, make dinner, and do something digital. Go to sleep between 9-10p and then wake up around 1-2a. until I crash again the next night. $%^@/?

September 11, 2015 / Journal

She spent hours with those waves.

September 4, 2015 / Journal

The girl and her guitar

August 26, 2015 / Journal

I am obese. 

The realization came slow but steady all week. 

Needed some shirts for work but my size Large was revealing a bit too much belly. Bought them anyway.

A co-worker mentioned I’ve gained weight as he tapped the belly with the back of his hand.

I weighed myself just now at 194, the highest I’ve ever been.

Online BMI calculator suggests I am obese. 


August 20, 2015 / Journal

Almost six years ago. What’s changed? Not a whole lot. Why not?

August 19, 2015 / Journal

Gorgeous day in the park (at Hermann Park Reflection Pool)

August 5, 2015 / Journal

Turtle cheesecake at 2am? Yeah, why not? (at House of Pies Restaurant & Bakery)

July 8, 2015 / Journal

Endodontist really tore me up today when doing a root canal. Five anesthetic needles to numb me and I am in a lot of pain half a day later. Ibuprofen only? What a quack. Grr.

July 8, 2015 / Journal

I physically work and sweat outside daily and somehow still acquired what is now lovingly called the “dad bod”. A trend that describes working out infrequently and still eating/drinking whatever I want.

While I am against body shaming and all for body acceptance, I reject accepting this in my life and on my body. 

Being a single man working long hours, I have many excuses for pulling into a fast food joint such as “Why cook for one?” “I don’t have the energy after working outdoors all day.”

Enough already. 

More lean meats. Less red meats heated up and served into my car.

More strength and cardio training. Less thinking about it.

July 4, 2015 / Journal

So this happened on the holiday weekend.

June 27, 2015 / Journal