Is finally complete. Although, I may add BW photos to the walls

This is the fourth update to the new and improved website. I gave it a fresh coat of paint as well as connected the Archives and Micro sites. Even better, the paint matches the photography site perfectly. This website also reflects the home office makeover. “Dark Mode” is my go-to aesthetic.
I’ll make a few minor changes on the back end for site security and speed and then I will leave it alone for awhile.
That’s how pleased I am with it.
The home office makeover is finally complete. Although eventually, I will hang black frames with a few of my black and white images.
I am the author, creator, distributor and publisher of my images. Not dependent on social media, third parties, agents, publishing houses etc to distribute my work.
I just received flowers from mom today. She understands the stresses I’ve gone through and knows this is a tough, last day here at Apex.
Starting to visualize that when I am using my camera, I am creating art. When I use my camera phone, I am creating doodles.
That time space dedicated to focus on those creative goals and pursuing them faithfully.
Def need to put this on the calendar.
The grass is greener over on that side. There is always something new around the next corner, mile, destination. It is better going upstream than staying in the stagnant pool. Explore more.