Tag: Journal

May 3, 2022 / Journal

“It often happens that two students can solve difficulties in their work for one another better than the master can. The fellow-pupil can help because he knows less. The difficulty we want him to explain is one he has recently met. The expert met it so long ago he has forgotten.”

C.S. Lewis

When I was supervising a team of engineers, I would often train new hires but also bring in a recent “graduate” from a previous training session to sit in with these new hires. The concepts were still fresh in their minds, while I may have taken for granted what should be common knowledge because it was “basic.”

While learning how to sketch and paint here recently, I grabbed a couple of books such as “Beginning Watercoloring” or “Learn to Draw” that was absolutely worthless. I am drawing stick figures but the examples shown in the book were full on portraits in pencil that would take years to master.

If I were to ask an artist right now how do you do this or that, they may not be able to convey properly what I need to learn. No, I need someone who is at the same level to learn with and challenge each other to become better. I am ignorant and sometimes don’t know what to ask, so how can I effectively learn from a “master?”

This is a great time to document what you are doing and learning right now because eventually you can look back on it and see your progress. As opposed to making something crap, then posting for everyone to see and offer fake kudos or “likes.” This doesn’t help. The expert takes for granted all of the fundamental concepts needed because they’ve moved on. They’ve built their knowledge and their foundation and have put their own flair on it.

This applies to utility engineering, to drawing, to photography or everything else. Innate talent will only take you so far. Embrace your beginner status and learn to have fun. Document your progress and appreciate the journey.

May 2, 2022 / Journal

For some reason this morning I wondered if Apple Health app could track weight as opposed to me using the invasive MyFitnessPal app and eureka! It felt great to not only add my new weight, (down from previous) but to also delete the MFPal app from my device forever. Why didn’t I think of this sooner?

May 1, 2022 / Journal

Drawing is like taking a line for a walk

Paul Klee

May 1, 2022 / Journal

May 1, 2022 / Journal

Great acts are made up of small deeds

Lao Tzu

April 30, 2022 / Journal

4-30-2022 26mm ƒ/1.5

April 30, 2022 / Journal

Here’s something about me: I’ll tweak and twerk on something until it’s molded into something I’m happy with. And just when I’ve got it down to what I want, I switch to something entirely different.

Example- I’ve been working with a fantastic site setup here in the past so much that it got to the point where all I had to do is…write. So I’ll write for a time and then I would tweak the web site again instead.

I can’t help it, because it’s fun. The tinkering allows me to think and do it just for the hell of it. Imagine a chef creating something from a recipe but in reverse order or adding/subtracting ingredients as needed. That’s where I am at.

These past few months I think I have finally settled on a solution I am proud of here. It’s functional, it looks great and everything makes sense. For the first time in a long time, I am content.

However, I do reserve the right to tweak and enhance the current set up.

Just for the hell of it.

April 30, 2022 / Journal

There are many things in my life that I don’t need. I don’t need half the technology I have, nor most of online services that I pay for. This includes the hosting for my website. I don’t need it, but it does serve a purpose deeper than the amount it costs me each year and gives me value.

My website(s) have been up for more than two decades (learning from a file error mistake, the earliest post I still have is from 2013) and it has been through various iterations. The most recent of which was going back to a personal web server host. The benefits and hours devoted to the setup and install outweigh the costs.

This website has been many things over the years such as, attempted portfolios, business ventures (photography) and a lot of design coding, but still provides an outlet for me. In reality, this website provides very little to me, it doesn’t receive accolades or followers as much as it used to, my life would remain unchanged if I didn’t have this outlet, but I still want one.

This is a journal, a hobby for sure, but writing gives me something that nothing else provides. I love networking with people and I enjoy journaling. Long form and short form both help me document my life as it is currently. Sometimes other people join me here and that is fantastic. Just because I receive nothing in return (on the surface), it doesn’t mean that this doesn’t have value. I believe everyone needs to have their own space on the world wide web.

No one or their website, should focus on follower count, advertising, tracking or page views. You won’t recoup your costs, let’s be honest. This is a personal website and are beholden to no one. You publish what you want, when you want and how you need to.

I don’t need this but I want this.

April 29, 2022 / Journal

I’ve been out for three days and came back with three shots. Only one usable. I miss portrait photography because this sucks. This town is so un-photogenic.

April 29, 2022 / Journal

Time to organize the backlog of notes, posts, pdf and blog archives into my second brain, Brainiac.

April 28, 2022 / Journal

Or essentialism. After taking a look at my software, I cleaned out a few redundant applications. I also took the time to reorganize my iPhone and remove apps as well. I should keep doing this until only the essentials are there.

April 28, 2022 / Journal

I should really get my shit together.

I’m thinking of changing/eliminating my complex “productivity” system with something simpler.

Such as “Write it down so I don’t forget it. Then do it as soon as I can.” I don’t need more software. I need more ideas and the energy to act on them.

Writing Software
I have three writing apps with a variety of features and all are redundant: Drafts, iA Writer and Ulysses. Drafts and Ulysses are both subscription based whereas iA Writer is a one time purchase. Drafts and Ulysses both have issues connecting to my well-secured web server. This prevents me from posting my drafted article on to my website. iA Writer stands out here as well. I am typing in it right now and when it is complete, I will hit “Publish” and it gets posted to my website.

The verdict: Drafts & Ulysses are no longer on my devices. That’s two down.

Notes & Journaling
Apple Notes, Bear Notes, Day One, GoodNotes, Obsidian are the current note taking apps and of course they all have unique properties. Out of all these only one could be deemed necessary, Apple Notes. It’s free, syncs to all Apple devices and allows collaboration with others. But it is so.damn.ugly. Bear Notes is all that and customizable. Worth the $15 annually in my mind. Day One is a private, digital journal that is not worth it to me anymore. Good Notes allows you to use your iPad and Pencil to scribble notes. I have physical notepads for this now. Obsidian is not only my second brain and pensieve but a repository for my notes. The same notes that are hosted in iCloud and now redundant.

The verdict: D1, GN and Obsidian are no longer on my devices. That’s three down.

Everything Else
As subscriptions come to an end I will review 1in a future blog post of course and assess their worthiness. Chances are I will go with the stock Apple apps for these. I don’t mind supporting small developers and their wonderful applications but subscription bloat is real. Their software is redundant and causes paralysis by over analysis.

You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.

James Clear, Atomic Habits

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    in a future blog post of course
April 28, 2022 / Journal

I want to start posting images, maybe not daily but close to it. This will be a running log and who knows how long it lasts?

Bob Dylan Center, Reconciliation Way, Tulsa, Oklahoma 4-28-22

April 28, 2022 / Journal

2009, Houston House of Blues