Due to the schizophrenic weather, I am not running. However, I just purchased a book on running for beginners.
Why do I feel like I am running backwards?
Due to the schizophrenic weather, I am not running. However, I just purchased a book on running for beginners.
Why do I feel like I am running backwards?
I am going to struggle with this concept.The next time you adjust a setting, think twice. Sometimes it’s better to change yourself to appreciate the defaults than to change the defaults to suit you.
After the mental stress of sending off the tax check I sat down to the laptop and mindlessly surfed the internet for an hour.
Right then I declared it is time for me to cleanse and purge.
As I consumed large quantities of posts, tweets, videos and images, the eyes strained, my back hurt and I wondered where the time went as I shuffled off to bed.
Yes, it was downtime but I kicked myself for not making the most of it. They say that “the time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time” but this was not enjoyable.
Over the past few years, we’ve been purging our material stuff and relied on essentials only. We are surviving without them. So it is also time for a quick cleanse to my digital consumption.
I don’t need to keep up with the latest news and trends. I am really not missing out. I don’t need to know that yet another company has shunned Android users with a great new app. Who cares? I used to.
I will not be reading blog feeds, G+ posts, tweets or mindlessly surfing for a minimum of a week. Emails will be addressed from the laptop only, not the phone.
If I get a text, I will not respond immediately. You may get a voice response instead(!)
The laptop will be used only as a medium for tasks such as emails, bill paying, blogging, etc.
The tablet will do the same and for book reading only.
I’ll add more posts later with the thought processes and experiences.
I’m finding small ways to lower stress and enhance my calm such as meditating. I would suggest a minimum of 2 minutes in a quiet spot and focus on breathing, nothing else.
I use my Android’s built in timer but you can simply use whatever is convenient. Try it!
This is my second check-in of GHR 2013. By now, most people have abandoned their NYE resolutions and that is where GHR comes in for me. So, on with my resolutions.
Here is my progress from 3/3 when I started this until today, 4/4.
I need to lose a minimum of 8 pounds this month to achieve my goal of 20 pounds off in 4 months.
Keep up the relocation effort. After a couple of phone interviews and no results, this is discouraging and difficult to do in another state.
Tax season has taken a large mental toll on me and I have to shake this off.
I’ll be checking back in on 5/5 with updates.
The minute I stopped caring about what other people thought and started doing what I wanted to do is the minute I finally felt free.
The signal-to-noise ratio is measured by comparing the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise.
A lot of people on the web, myself included, are comparing the level of desired information to the level of distractions.
How can we possibly filter out something meaningful and useful when we have so many posts, tweets, and likes?
I’ve been in a year long process of cutting back. In the past, I subscribed to everything and contributed as well.
There were personal posts and business tweets and hundreds of web feeds to consume. Since then I’ve changed my online persona, deleted my Facebook account, pared down the number of people I was following and more.
If something didn’t have value or if someone wasn’t enriching my life with their posts about what they had for dinner, it got cut.
As a photographer, I’ve even changed the way I display my images. Flickr is more for personal use, if that. Instagram? Gone.
Socially, I am on Google Plus and on Twitter. This website is my personal hub from which everything else revolves around.
Doing these things have allowed me to regain my time and be more productive. I can focus on what is important to me and not what others want to tell me is important. That’s not how the digital life works. The web is what you make it.
So I recently turned 40.
I also just weighed myself at 197.6 pounds. Let’s round up to 198.
This is the heaviest I’ve ever been. On a 5’7” frame…that’s a lot of BMI.
In the past, I’ve participated in a few adventure races and loved it.
There is a new one coming up in a few months that I will train for.
Recently signed up with a great fitness center and looking forward to dropping those pounds to around 175.
For some reason this song lyric resonates with me…
Well I don’t know but I’ve been told, you never slow down, you never grow old.
– Tom Petty