Tag: goals

December 10, 2009 / Journal

ROAD TRIP 1 (Revenge of the Baby Boomer)

I hear this question a lot during interviews: “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Well five years might as well be fifty. At the pace our society and technology are going we need to shorten that down to a maximum of two years.

If you haven’t asked yourself this question now (end of year) may be the best time. Time to start planning your goals for 2010 and maybe even to 2012. For me this includes not only my personal life but one for the photo business as well.

If we fail to do so it will be as if we are on a road trip with no destination in mind. All of a sudden you have to pull over for a pit stop and realize you have no idea where you are, where you are going, how to get back, and are out of fuel with no way to pay for it.

Plan your journey to get to where you want to go.