Tag: getout

November 21, 2018 / Journal


Explore More

Hikery at Oxley Nature Center 11/17/2018

36.225759, -95.899624

iPhone xR front camera 6.6mm f/2.8

July 18, 2018 / Journal

Traveled up and down the Mother Road from Oklahoma City to Tulsa, Baxter
Springs, Kansas, Joplin, Missouri and all points in between recently.
We’ll do the rest eventually but for now…

July 18, 2018 / Journal

Traveled up and down the Mother Road from Oklahoma City to Tulsa, Baxter
Springs, Kansas, Joplin, Missouri and all points in between recently.
We’ll do the rest…eventually

Website | VSCO | Smugmug | EyeEm | Flickr | YouTube

June 1, 2018 / Journal

Little Sahara State Park
36.534896, -98.880814

June 1, 2018 / Journal

Gloss Mountain state park


June 1, 2018 / Journal

May 12, 2018 / Journal

Natural Falls State Park
36.173817, -94.667880

May 12, 2018 / Journal

May 10, 2018 / Journal

Robbers Cave State Park part 1
35.006853, -95.338139

May 10, 2018 / Journal

May 6, 2018 / Journal

We like it long, hard and dirty. This makes mud run #10 for me and her first one.

Warrior Dash 2018. White Lightning ranch in Okemah, Oklahoma. 

May 5, 2018 / Journal

We like it long, hard and dirty

This makes mud run #10 for me and her first one.

Warrior Dash 2018. White Lightning ranch in Okemah, Oklahoma.

April 27, 2018 / Journal

I’ll Go Anywhere With You

April 21, 2018 / Journal

Warrior Mode

So we signed up for another Warrior Dash. We’re in training mode because the race is in two weeks(!)

April 21, 2018 / Journal

So we signed up for another Warrior Dash. We’re in training mode because the race is in two weeks(!)