Tag: Denbow

November 3, 2009 / Journal

come on in!

ChrisDenbow.com is now open for business. Pardon the dust as I am still trying to clean things up around here, move the furniture around and re-organize. The website will still get a makeover but this will do for now (better than a boring template). The transfer from MojoDenbow.info was not as painful as I expected thanks to the insights of some great friends and WordPress ninjas: Donald Harper Stephen Alexander Linda MacPhee-Cobb and Brandon Oelling at X-Equals . Of course a special thanks to WonderWife who is way smarter than I am. Thanks, amigos!

This website is designed to be interactive through comments, video, voice and more. Let me encourage you to speak your mind and turn my monologue into our dialog. You can do this by visiting the website frequently or by subscribing to the RSS feed and/or get the articles by email subscription (no spam!).

Mobile access is now provided as well for those of us who cannot get enough of our mobile devices. You know who you are!

Anywhoo… I’d appreciate a comment to test this thing out. Be kind, won’t you? Thanks for sticking with me during this transition. You won’t be disappointed.


Chris Denbow

November 2, 2009 / Journal

Don't worry, you are not alone

As promised, the Mojo deconstruction project is coming along nicely. I’m in the process of dropping that brand into one that reflects myself and whatever projects I choose to endure. The new website is waiting on me to back up the WordPress database, switch over the servers and reinstall. I imagine I will add a few more bells & whistles this time around too. If you come to the Mojo address after the conversion, it will redirect you to the new address. As for now, I want to alert everyone to some contact information changes.

Website: http://chrisdenbow.website (coming soon)

Email: chrisdenbow@gmail.com or chris@chrisdenbow.website

Skype: chrisdenbow

GTalk IM: chrisdenbow  Yahoo: chris.denbow

Twitter: @chrisdenbow (coming soon)

GVoice: New number! 281.206.4253

I am still considering what to do with my photography business, Photo Mojo and that re-branding effort. I am heavily invested there and to change that now would take some extra time and revenue. If you have any suggestions for a new name, I’d love to review it. I’ve already killed any notion of using “Chris Denbow Photography” due to it’s boring, uninspired, de-creative, full-of-suck title.  I need creative, anti-suck branding here!

Thank You!

PS: you people are the anti-suck