Tag: chrisadventures

April 20, 2018 / Journal

April 15, 2018 / Journal

The Norman Rockwell exhibit at Gilcrease museum was a brilliant behind the painting look at his photography. Throwing in a green screen and a bit of fuckery at the end made it even better.

April 14, 2018 / Journal

Sometimes I break stuff

April 14, 2018 / Journal

Work In Progress

I’ve been negligent lately in my research for the story I want to create. I haven’t, however, been completely disengaged according to all the notes and ideas jotted down. I don’t want to half-ass this but other responsibilities are taking over too. In the mean time, here is a sneak peek:

April 14, 2018 / Journal

These are the pleasant distractions currently occupying my attention in no particular order…

  • My secret, ambitious book project
  • hikery
  • portrait photography projects
  • re-learning javascript, html5, CSS
  • building my photography group
  • re-building my server
  • wandering
  • writing more for my website
  • audio/video updates on my progress
April 13, 2018 / Journal


April 12, 2018 / Journal

Explore More.

Hikery at Turkey Mountain urban wilderness area. 04/11/2018 

36.1863688, -96.2376300

iPhone 8 Plus back dual camera 6.6mm f/2.8

VSCO Polaroid Instant 5

April 1, 2018 / Journal

Explore More.

Hikery at Keystone Ancient Forest 03/31/2018 

36.1863688, -96.2376300

iPhone 8 Plus back dual camera 6.6mm f/2.8

VSCO Kodak Ultra 8

March 25, 2018 / Journal

Hikery at Osage Hills State park 3/23/2018

March 18, 2018 / Journal

Explore more.
At Keystone Ancient Forest 36.1863688, -96.2376300

March 11, 2018 / Journal

Researching the three main tent poles to a story that’s been in my head for about a decade. Historical adventure/mystery, the science behind the story, and an exotic location.

My brain hurts and I need sleep but don’t want to lose momentum. Bring snacks and sodas.

March 5, 2018 / Journal

Urban hike

Midland Valley Rails to Trails 36.140132, -95.982546 

January 14, 2018 / Journal

The Dark Web sounds nefarious and scary but with the right tools, and a balls of brass, I can access and browse safely. 

The deep/dark web refers to web sites that hide their web address and is only accessible by using encrypted tools like the TOR browser, the Tails operating system designed to boot from a USB flash drive, all from an ideally new, clean, low-cost computer. And forget about using social media sites such as Facebook or even Google. Use a search engine that won’t track you such as DuckDuckGo. 

I’ve been exploring the deepest, darkest parts of the web for awhile now and it is fascinating in how it reminds me of the early, pioneer days of web 1.0.

This feels very much like exploring the frontier here because the possibilities and the risks are both real and exciting. More later.

January 11, 2018 / Journal

Can’t Remember, Won’t Forget

I live for the nights I can’t remember with the people I won’t forget

January 11, 2018 / Journal

I live for the nights I can’t remember with the people I won’t forget