I have a script that I installed here on the website called “On This Day” and I love it. Every day I can look back on the past posts for varying reasons. Now I have a new reason- the comments section.
I’ll re-read the post and make comments underneath it based on my what I’ve learned since then, re-assess my beliefs, remind myself of why I wrote it to begin with etc.
This is some next-level recursion. Commenting on my comments? Footnoting my own footnotes? That’s practically building a self-referential hypertext labyrinth. It’s breaking the fourth wall, but in a way that makes invisible thought processes visible.
Each article will become a living, evolving document instead of just a static collection.
Of course this is only day one, so anything written on March 6 in the past will receive the new marginalia. Looking forward to tomorrow’s!
The experimental website framework I want to build will exist in the space between what is known and what refuses to be known. A static HTML-only archive that resists explanation. It presents itself as something incomplete, something forgotten, or something deliberately obscured, leaving behind only classified remnants, misplaced coordinates, glitched anomalies, and misfiled receipts that hint at a larger, unseen structure. The layers go deep with hidden pages, cryptic labels peeling at the edges, references that lead nowhere, and timestamps that don’t quite add up.
Some things were removed. Some things never existed. Some things moved while you weren’t looking. It is an experiment in next-level mischief, a system designed to pull at the edges of curiosity while leaving just enough behind to make you wonder what’s missing.
This website will feel like you are trying to solve the Rubick’s Cube but it fights back, constantly,
Why create something deliberately obscure? Why build a digital labyrinth with no clear purpose? Why make a repository of fragments, half-truths, and lost thoughts instead of a structured, polished archive?
This new site will be a map of ideas except it’s unfinished, glitching, and missing pieces. I’m creating a mental terrain where the act of getting lost is the goal.
Inspired by The Cemetery of Forgotten Books, my Library of Unwritten Books is a deliberate archive of unfinished works—preserved not as lost projects, but as enduring records of creative exploration. Blending structured literary preservation with a sense of mystery, it stands as both an homage to my work and a reflection on the stories that remain untold.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón’s Cemetery of Forgotten Books is a vast, hidden library in Barcelona, safeguarding abandoned and forgotten stories from oblivion. Introduced in The Shadow of the Wind, it serves as both a literary mystery and a powerful symbol of storytelling’s enduring legacy.
The book writing has been stagnant lately, possibly because the elusive muse has been on holiday.
There are thirty five novels and short-stories I want to tell, as well as a few non-fiction titles.
Half-forgotten worlds, unfinished thoughts, stories waiting for their ending. Printing them and physically shelving them would make the weight of all those ideas tangible. A hierarchy of incompletion—from the one-page sparks of genius, to the near-finished epics that just wouldn’t cooperate. The thickest ones sitting there, mocking you, while the thinnest whisper, “You barely even tried.”
Marginalia would turn it into a meta-library—a collection not just of unfinished works but of the very thought processes, doubts, and moments of inspiration that led to their incompletion. Notes like:
• “Lost steam after realizing this was just me rewriting Jurassic Park with pelicans.”
• “Had a brilliant ending in mind… and then forgot it. Still bitter.”
• “Started strong. Got distracted by a different book idea. The cycle continues.”
It could even be a living document—a place where ideas might resurface, evolve, or finally find their way to completion years later. Or…they could be relegated into a literary morgue file—a final resting place for the stories that almost were. There’s something hauntingly beautiful about that. They don’t get finished, but they exist, preserved in their unfinished state like fossils of creativity.
So what is a possible resolution to this self-induced problem? How about two possible solutions?
I could print them up and perhaps put them in a labeled binder. Also PDF’s uploaded to this website and generate digital library cards if there was any interest from the followers here.
A fantastic mix of a physical archive and a digital curiosity cabinet. The binders give them a tangible presence, while the PDFs turn them into an interactive experience. The digital library card idea is genius—makes it feel like a proper literary vault people can “check out” from. In turn, they could offer comments and suggestions. The access point is signing up to this website and add a comment to the written document. Hopefully there will be inspiration found from this.
This could turn the Library of Unwritten Books into a collaborative storytelling experiment—where readers don’t just consume the work but actively speculate, suggest, and even contribute. Some might leave wild theories, others might fill in the blanks, and a few might even inspire to return to an abandoned story with fresh eyes.
The digital library card could have a simple yet classic aesthetic, tying into the raw, archival feel of the project. Think of it like a virtual passport to the library of unfinished stories. Here’s how it might look:
Front of the Card:
• Library Name: “Library of Unwritten Books” (in elegant, typewriter-style font for that vintage touch).
• Cardholder Name: Reader’s name
• Unique Card Number: A random, system-generated number to make it feel official (e.g., #MOM12345).
• Card Issue Date: The date they accessed the library or “checked out” a work.
Back of the Card:
• Quote or Motto: A philosophical nod to unfinished work, like:
• “Not all who wander are lost. Some just never finish.”
• “Creativity never stops—some stories just pause for a while.”
• Borrower’s Log Link: A link or QR code that takes them to the comments section of this website.
• Library Rules: Something playful like “No overdue fines” or “This book may never be completed, but its story is far from over.”
Physical Archive
There’s something deeply satisfying about preserving your ideas, no matter how unfinished. It’s like building your own literary museum, a space where unfinished thoughts don’t get lost but instead are archived and given a place in history.
Plus, the idea of printing, binding, and shelving them gives a real physicality to your creative process.
Whether it stays small or expands over time, it can become a personal artifact that might even spark inspiration years down the road. These unfinished works will outlive me, sparking something in others to finish, reinterpret, or continue. It’s like planting seeds that may grow long after I’ve moved on, and in some way, I’d still be creating, even if a single one is never complete. I might not get to see the story finish, but I’ll leave behind a trail of possibilities for others to follow. A literary treasure map—unfinished, mysterious, and full of potential.
Well, my ass was in the seat and my fingers are callused, but I did manage to go over the goal line and complete 30,000 words in 30 days. My self-imposed writing goal was a personal challenge to inspire myself to write another novel.
Disclaimer: It is in now way ready for anything other than a lot of edits in the near future!
Ah, the elusive muse! Sometimes it feels like she has a mind of her own, appearing only when she pleases. Maybe she’s lurking somewhere unexpected—in a new environment, a favorite book, or even a conversation. Sometimes shifting my perspective or doing something entirely unrelated to writing can coax it back out. Taking the pressure off can often help inspiration flow again when she feels distant.
I read a few inspired quotes and articles earlier, rode the bicycle a bit, and even made guacamole from a huge avocado off the tree.
Inspiration often finds its way back when it feels like you’re not chasing it.
Right. It is the first day of the eleventh month and it is time to put ass to chair and write a novel in thirty days.
I am procrastinating. Not my fault really, just dealing with some life issues here such as legal issues, potential new career and a family member flying down here for the week.
30,000 words in thirty days to develop a rough draft for this new novel. No fussing over function, grammar or missteaks. That is what the writing software, Ulysses, lives for. He just looooves to remind me about those punctuation marks being in the wrong place, or being completely ignored altogether. He red-flagged that “missteaks” mistake too. Damn, nothing gets by him.
Did I tell myself I was going to wean off of the soda this month? Did I tell myself that I had not and will continue to suck those down frequently? At least until December 1st anyway.
The sun is almost up, the body has been cleansed, the soda is on the desk so I am out of excuses.
Let’s write this thing.
P.S. Ulysses missed a comma that I intentionally left out. I win.
I make negative dollars for my writing, the collection is mostly on the internet, which costs money. It also costs me time, which is money. I’m the least profitable writer that I know.
I write to empty my brain, not to fill a page or a post on this site.
About a month ago, I was reminded that November is approaching and to sign up again for NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month.) Do I really want to dedicate an entire month to cranking out the minimum requirement of 50,000 words for that month? Having bouts of inspiration for the past year seemed to encourage me to go ahead and register again
Two days out from the start of the event and all is quiet on their website, almost a ghost town. After researching this, I discovered the organization has a few scandalous issues coming from it, so I decided I was done with NANOWRIMO forever. Well, still encouraged by those inspirational bouts, I have decided to press on next month, but go my own way.
I have christened this challenge as “Novembook.” A thirty-day challenge to myself to write a 30,000 word draft for the new novel. That is 1,000 words a day, and more realistic than that organization’s 50,000 standard.
I know the title is cheesy, but it was better than “Novelmber”. Reminds me of my 31-day blog posting for the month of “Blaugust.” That was a fun, successful challenge!
Why do I do this to myself? Because I lack discipline and require prompts to keep it going. Not to mention, time and opportunity is running out, and this book won’t write itself.
I just signed up to publish a newsletter via the Substack platform. I wanted and needed an outlet away from this personal space for more… external writings. Most of this platform will be dedicated to the Explore More book as a companion to it.
Will it amount to something? I hope so. I do not want a social media presence again so maybe this is the happy medium I was looking for.
In the past, I used to be a popular writer. Now, I’m certain that my closest friends or family do not read my work, even here in my home. I cheer and actively support them, so one would hope there would be some interest. Even feigned.
How do I expect to grow an audience for my future writing endeavors? Sad, but it could also bring freedom. I write for myself here, creating what ever strikes my fancy, knowing most of it will vanish into the void. That’s fine—writing is an introspective art that doesn’t need validation from others.
The struggle has been finding a clear direction. Spending years on a project no longer excites me. To balance this, I need to pursue what I’m passionate about and allow myself to finish things without committing to the epic novels in my head, or even a series. At this point, what am I passionate about? This struggle was mentioned earlier this week.
Since I am writing for myself currently, the goal for now is to make it as rewarding as possible.
While I was traveling through the Deep South, we drove over the Gulf of Mexico to arrive at Dauphin Island, the site of an old French fort (now called Fort Gaines) protecting Mobile Bay. While there, I was reminded of the geodetic survey markers that the United States Geological Survey has installed throughout the country. These are designed as fixed data points for all manner of uses. For our purposes, though, it is a game of hide-n-seek writ large.
Survey Markers
The USGS has a data map where you can see what is around you and provides all manner of data. We’re more interested in the GPS coordinates and then look on foot.
Basic Find-and-Catalog Game
Objective: Participants simply find and log US survey markers in a basic online or mobile catalog. They can take a photo and record basic details (location, date, any noticeable features).
How It Works:
• Find a marker.
• Take a picture.
• Log it (a journal or Google My Maps).
Screenshot of marker I added to Google My Maps
This gives people a fun excuse to get outdoors and notice things they’d usually walk past.
Personal Challenge or Goal
Make it a personal challenge—how many markers can you find in a month, or on a walk? You could challenge friends or yourself without leaderboards or complicated point systems.
How It Works:
Set a goal (find 5 markers this week or locate 3 markers in new places you’ve never visited). Share progress with a friend or a group. It adds a bit of gamification without being overwhelming or requiring major infrastructure.
Local Exploration
Focus on finding survey markers only in your local area. It doesn’t need to be a nationwide or competitive project—just a way for people to explore their immediate surroundings.
Historical Markers
The same can be done for those Historical Markers that we all whiz by at top speed and ignore. Find a few in your area with a web search and then make it a point to visit on your own time as opposed to whizzing by again. Read the history, absorb it and find a new appreciation for those surroundings. For example, I knew that Ponce de Leon had first explored Florida’s east coast but not the western section, and not too far from me either!
Screenshot of an historical marker 20 miles to the north of us. The year was 1513!
Why You Need a Road Trip Mascot: The Fun and Importance of Bringing One Along
When planning a road trip, we often think about the route, the playlists, and the snacks — but have you ever considered bringing along a road trip mascot? Whether it’s a stuffed animal, a figurine, or something that holds personal meaning, a road trip mascot can add a whole new layer of fun and memories to your adventure.
For the longest time, I had a pet alligator mascot named “Fred.” Fred and I met near Jacksonville, Florida and we went all over the country together. However, Fred and I parted ways somewhere in Oklahoma.
I picked up one of his relatives somewhere along the gulf coast of Mississippi recently. He’ll join me on the dashboard console for the next trips. I’m undecided on a few names but narrowed them down to “Algorithm” or “Gumbo”. I’m leaning towards “Algonquin Gatorade.” Don’t ask, you weren’t there on that road trip with me.
Anyway, here’s why you need one for your next journey:
1. It Adds Personality to Your Adventure
Think of a road trip mascot as an extension of your travel spirit. Whether you choose something cute, goofy, or downright odd, it adds personality to your trip. The mascot can take on its own “character” — a fun companion on the journey who always brings the good vibes. Naming your mascot and giving it a backstory can turn it into a fun member of the road trip crew.
2. Tradition & Continuity
Start a tradition by bringing your mascot along for every trip. Over time, it becomes a symbol of your adventures, collecting memories as it “travels” with you. You can document its journey through photos, videos, or even a travel journal dedicated to its adventures. Before long, your mascot will have its own legacy!
3. It’s a Great Icebreaker
People love unusual things, and a road trip mascot is no exception. At a rest stop or scenic overlook, don’t be surprised if fellow travelers strike up a conversation about your travel buddy. It can be an easy way to meet new people and hear interesting stories along the way.
4. Creates Unique Photo Opportunities
Forget selfies — your mascot is the star of the show! Capture fun and creative photos of your mascot in front of landmarks, strange roadside attractions, or perched on the dashboard while crossing state lines. These unique shots will add a playful twist to your trip photo collection, and they’ll make your social media feed stand out, too.
5. Mascots Help Relieve Stress
We’ve all experienced those frustrating moments on a road trip — whether it’s sitting in traffic, a detour, or an unexpected delay. That’s where your mascot can come to the rescue. Having something silly or lighthearted in the car can ease tension and bring laughter during stressful times, reminding you not to take things too seriously.
6. Road Trip Games and Challenges
Turn your mascot into the focus of a road trip game. Challenge yourself or your travel mates to take a picture of the mascot in as many different places as possible, or have the mascot “collect” something from each stop, like postcards or trinkets. You could even create a mascot scavenger hunt, where certain types of locations or landmarks have to be found and “visited” by your travel buddy.
7. A Symbol of the Journey
Sometimes, a road trip mascot represents more than just a fun object. It can symbolize the essence of your journey. If your trip is about self-discovery or exploring new places, your mascot can be a physical reminder to embrace those themes. It’s a way to stay connected to the meaning behind your adventure, even in the most unexpected moments.
8. Perfect for Group Bonding
If you’re traveling with friends or family, a mascot can bring everyone together. Assign someone to be the “caretaker” of the mascot for each leg of the journey, creating a fun, shared responsibility. Your mascot can be a source of inside jokes, games, and collective memories as the group creates fun stories around it.
9. It Becomes a Cherished Memento
When the trip is over, the mascot serves as a physical reminder of your adventure. It’s more than just a souvenir — it carries the spirit of the trip with it. Every time you see it on your shelf or in your car, you’ll be reminded of the memories you made along the way.
10. Mascots Make Stories
You can create fun, fictional stories about your mascot’s “journey” alongside yours. Perhaps it’s on a secret mission, or maybe it’s a “traveler” from a far-off land. Use your imagination to add a creative narrative that ties into the places you visit. This makes each stop on your trip feel like part of a bigger adventure for you and your mascot.
How to Choose Your Mascot
• Pick something meaningful: Choose an item that reflects your personality, values, or sense of adventure.
• Consider size: Make sure your mascot is easy to carry around and won’t take up too much space.
• Get creative: The more unique and odd your mascot is, the more fun you’ll have with it.
Whether it’s an old childhood toy, a handmade creation, or something you picked up along the way, having a mascot on your road trip can turn any ordinary journey into something extraordinary. It’s the little things that make the experience more memorable — so why not let a tiny companion join in on the fun?
This idea was inspired by our recent road trip and will be included in the Explore More book, brought to you by the Denbow Modern Classics publishing house.
Tip: Stop at any hotel, small motels, inns, BnBs, etc, and critique the strange, bland, or hilariously bad art that often graces the walls.
Task: Make up elaborate backstories for each piece, imagining who the artist was, their emotional state, and what profound meaning they were trying to convey. Share your critiques in an ironic blog post or social media series titled something like “Art from Room 204.”
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