Category: Thoughts

June 25, 2024 / Epigraph

You can lead a person to wisdom but you can’t make them think.

June 23, 2024 / Thoughts

I just had my cellular data plan shut off…deliberately. My talk and text plan still allows basic communication when I am out and about. Let the great experiment begin!

June 22, 2024 / Thoughts

The issue with algorithmic feeds on social sites, is the fact that they assume you would like your future to look like your past.

Did you linger or read over an article? Well then, here’s more. Liked a video? Yes, have some more of the same old crap.

*With apologies to Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine

June 20, 2024 / Technology

It is 2024 and the Matrix is real. Of this there can be zero doubt, if you consider your daily screen time. The digital avatar of you online versus your physical meat space in the real world. Are you intellectually honest with yourself?

Can you feel how disproportionate this balance is?

June 17, 2024 / Technology

I pulled the trigger on my decision to remove the data plan from the iPhone. By next week it will be just talk and text.

June 7, 2024 / Asides

I’ve mentioned previously that something about writing online has to change soon. I’ve looked into the options to host my decades of digital journals with various low/no cost alternatives and they suck. 

Speaking of The Future, I just finished this book of the same name as well as a quick re-read of Alice In Wonderland. That makes ten titles down out of my 2024 reading goal of twenty four.

March 25, 2024 / Journal

After months of traveling on the road for work, poor nutrition habits and then stop working, my body has had enough. I’ve crammed the 15 pounds lost last year back inside. My blood pressure has suffered. The clothes are tighter. I feel like crap. 

I resubscribed to Apple Fitness+ because gym membership is not viable right now. Meal plans are being made.

It’s time to eat lean, train mean and get lean.

August 1, 2023 / Journal

Apple Weather is warning me about Excessive Heat (104* F) as I am working outside all day. Yeah, I got it. Thanks!

December 31, 2021 / Journal

I’ve been self-hosting on WordPress for almost 15 years, then switched to WP hosted. I am now experimenting with microblogging and the new-to-me web host called

The immediate goal for me is to have a repository for all short form posts (280 words or less), audio & video clips that don’t necessarily have a place here where I reserve for my long-form blog posts. Think Twitter but self-hosted and not on anyone else’s platform. Even better, they are all in one dedicated page here on my website. Neat.

So far so good, but is it good enough for me to import everything over here yet? Stay tuned.

**Update** This is shelved for now and I’ll take another look at it when it comes time to renew WordPress subscription in September.

October 2, 2017 / Journal

Need to work out how to regain control here because everything is spiraling

October 12, 2016 / Thoughts

I close my eyes, but I can’t fall asleep, my body dying for rest while my mind’s wide awake

February 4, 2016 / Journal

Another city

January 11, 2016 / Thoughts
January 10, 2016 / Journal

Three nights in a row I’ll come home, make dinner, and do something digital. Go to sleep between 9-10p and then wake up around 1-2a. until I crash again the next night. $%^@/?

September 12, 2015 / Thoughts

That moment when you realize eating a Whataburger and reading an article from Men’s Health is not the smartest move.