What a gorgeous fall day today. Missadventures and I strolled, talked and even snoozed on… Read the postSaturday In The Park
In May 2019 I had the opportunity to explore the Art Institute of Chicago and… Read the postKhmer Empire Antiquities Part II
At some point in every portrait photographer’s career there will be a time when things… Read the postFlexibility and Patience
Because I am still researching my novel based on the Khmer empire in Cambodia, I… Read the postKhmer Empire Antiquities
pd-com: Almost nothing as it turns out. Here’s what I mean: it takes little effort… Read the postHow Much Is Beauty Worth?
In order to take advantage of the benefits of a good photo walk, try some… Read the postPhoto Exercises
Now that spring time is officially here, it is time to stand up, stretch, and… Read the postPhoto Walk
Use photography as a chance to explore more. Go on adventures or a simple photo… Read the postExplore More
Someone asked me the other day what type of photography do I like to shoot.… Read the postWhy Portraits?
Explore More: Joshua Tree National Park, California 34.005809, -116.162646 Playlist: Joshua Tree by U2
Following up on my previous post about editing photos with the iPad and VSCO workflow,… Read the postA Simpler iPad Photo Workflow
The advancement in digital photographic technology has come a long way, baby. When I acquired… Read the postiPad + VSCO Workflow