Enjoy a walk for the sake of walking. No expectations, no pressures. Take your camera… Read the postPhotowalks
Found this image while cleaning up some files on the hard drive. I think this… Read the postHappy Accident
A visual journey on the Texas/Mexico Coastline. It was time to recalibrate and reset my… Read the postWalking Along The Seashells
Since 2006, I’ve enjoyed utilizing Adobe Lightroom to organize and post-process my images. Adobe’s software… Read the postGoodbye Adobe
When I was starting out using my first DSLR cameraI I took it with me… Read the postWhere Did The Photographer Go?
I’ve been enjoying the Hipstamatic camera app for almost 10 years now and in my… Read the postThe Hipstamatic
After almost twenty years of portrait photography I have decided to switch to a new… Read the postA New Focus
It’s that time of year again! This is my 13th attempt at creating life-long habits… Read the post13th Annual Groundhog Resolutions Day!