Category: Journal

January 25, 2025 / Journal
  1. phosphene is the phenomenon of seeing light without light entering the eye. Thanks, Ms. Optometrist.
  2. Apophatic translates to negative theology, or teaching beyond reason or language.
  3. The global ship tracking website is great for spying on all of the marine vessels in the area. I’ve been observing a lot of watercraft in the bays and gulf and wondered where they were coming from and going to. This helps.
  4. It’s quite possible the Game, colloquially named “Rabbits” has been going on for centuries and from China.
  5. Also while driving up and down southwest Florida, I was curious to know how big my work responsibilities actually were. Apparently I am responsible for approximately 270 square miles from the tip of Captiva Island down to North Naples. Wow,
Amazing how Rabbits always manages to pop into my life.
I first discovered this phenomenon in 2023, the year of the Rabbit

I have a large office with an ocean view

Ship tracking view from the Gulf
January 19, 2025 / Journal

A geographical amendment, and some1 would say an improvement on the original recipe. This one is best suited for tropical environments and has a brilliant mixture of nuts, seeds, fruit and a little extra sweetness to balance the savory.

  • 1 cup of raw macadamia nuts
  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • ½ cup pumpkin seeds unsalted
  • ½ cup dried mango unsweetened
  • 1 cup dried pineapple, unsweetened
  • 1 cup shredded unsweetened toasted coconut shreds
  • 1 cup white chocolate chips
  • Pinch of salt to taste
  1. It’s me. I am the “some” ↩︎
January 19, 2025 / Journal
January 18, 2025 / Journal

Enjoyed a beautiful outing in Bonita Springs and Estero today that did not involve work. First stop was the Everglades Wonder Gardens, host to amazing landscapes and animal encounters. I was introduced to a few species of animals and birds I have never seen before, and added to my list of birds observed while in Florida.

Afterwards we enjoyed a delicious Caribbean meal that included conch fritters and pineapple/mango/peppers shrimp served in a half cut pineapple. Those flavors were overwhelmingly yummy.

January 18, 2025 / Journal

If I had the time, desire or moolah to do it, I would create a comprehensive seashell identifier app that would help viewers discover what they have found and catalog them. Exhibit A: the long, black shell shown in the photo. Is it an angel wing shell? A mollusk? Shell if I know!

Recent finds off of Captiva Island
January 17, 2025 / Journal

Spooked this egret when I was working in the field under chilly, cloudy conditions.

January 16, 2025 / Journal

I am really digging the “On This Day” script I wrote and added to the Archives page. It prompts me about what I have experienced in the past and makes me reflect.

Well today I noticed that there were two themes from different years but all on the same date, today, January 16th.

This time last year I was sick in Houston, and ugh, that was the worst. Apparently I was sick on the same day way back in 2010. Thankfully this is not the case currently. Wait, is that a tickle in my throat? Better wash it down with Diet Doctor Pepper, STAT.

On this day in 2019 and again in 2022, I was feeling analytical about how I can utilize the iPad as a portable photo studio. For some reason and without intentionally doing so, I felt compelled writing those on the same day. Odd! I don’t feel compelled to write an update today, however.

January 16, 2025 / Journal

I’ve resubscribed to a premium Geocaching service and I am ready to go out and explore more. I was able to upload a few caches to my new Garmin GPS device named “Trekkie.” When I am out working tomorrow, I’ll try to find them on the islands.

January 11, 2025 / Journal

I was thinking about my annual reading goals and how to remain flexible in keeping them. For example, I recently started my second book of the year and I am not enjoying it as much as I hoped. Do I discard it and save it for later when I am more receptive? Yes, but why do I feel guilty? My book tracker app has the option to add titles to the DNF list that I make use of.

On keeping flexibility, I have no problem with this. I was listening to a podcast while driving and heard a discussion about a book I was interested in that immediately bypassed everything else on my to-be-read list. It’ll count toward the end goal so what does it matter?

Also, what about blog feeds, News app, magazines, short stories and poems and essays? How does someone quantify all of those? Sometimes these snippets are more impactful than a full-length book or a dozen books.

Moving on, I am oscillating on paper and digital books based on nothing else other than convenience. My new bookcase is full of material to occupy me all year, and yet the Kindle is a go to for a quick read before bed. I am digging the Kindle Unlimited trial. Way too many books to consume! Of course every book I read there has highlights and notes I jot down for later. These get sent to my personal database for later reference and inspiration.

Kindle Highlights and notes fed automagically into the Denbow Operating system.

From now on I am going to take it easy on myself. Yes, I will keep a list of my reads, but I want to go for quality and not quantity. I’ll pick up five “wow” books a year and not care how long it takes to enjoy, and then get through the rest of my list.

“The problem with reading is that I get distracted by other books.” – someone

January 10, 2025 / Journal

A pelican flies parallel to the Sanibel Island Causeway while I was driving across.

January 6, 2025 / Journal

The self-inking desk stamp has finally arrived so now I will be able to add a little more personal touch to my correspondence. It’ll look great inside the book covers as well.

January 5, 2025 / Journal

Video filming is not a skill I have but at the same time I really don’t want to pursue it either. I admire my little brother’s ability to film, edit and make a final product worthy of showing everyone over an audience of one.

The second attempt at setting up a trail camera backfired again. However, it did manage to capture…myself when I was talking with neighbors as they boated down the canal. Not the wildlife I was hoping to capture.

Another video attempt was made when I took the drone out for a few test flights. Remind me to pivot the camera out and not down. I have lovely footage of the ground that doesn’t do me any good. Lessons learned.

January 1, 2025 / Journal

What a crappy way to start the new year! I tweaked my anterior ligament on my right ankle again and am in a lot of pain as I hobble around. I have today off to recover quickly, hopefully, as I work again tomorrow. Ouch!

January 1, 2025 / Journal

Ever since we relocated to Florida I have wanted to set up a trail camera to capture the local, bountiful wildlife in the backyard. After receiving an Amazon gift card I have done just that. I set it up yesterday in a good spot and hoped for the best. The idea was to capture the highly active creatures by day and night.

The first results are in: good camera angles, poor execution on my part. It seems the only wildlife I caught, in vivid photos and video, was myself as I installed and removed the camera. Aargh! Time to check the settings to recalibrate the sensors and timing of the camera. Lesson learned? We’ll see tomorrow!

January 1, 2025 / Journal

Sorting through this website’s archives recently, I wanted to look back to see what has changed, if anything over the past few years. Apparently some of the things I want to achieve are the same goals I had back then. But I was a different person at the time, my life was different, the world was different.

For me, I want 2025 to be focused on a healthy balance of creativity/consumption/curation. I want the things I consume and curate to reflect in my creativity. For this I need good material to digest, then curate for future use. Shortly after, the inspiration should kick in and the creativity flows.

I want to find a level balance on analog/digital input/output. I need to spend more focus on analog sources and later post here digitally for posterity. The new bookcase will be full of analog reading material soon. The book is a wonderful magic-based technology and no batteries are required.

This is my hope for 2025. Happy New Year!