Category: Journal

February 24, 2008 / / Journal
February 24, 2008 / / Journal

I really enjoy the Jefferson County Library Co-op in that I can have the latest releases of books delivered to my area branch. I’ve decided to get back into reading which I have neglected since before Christmas. I find it very relaxing and a great investment of my time. Here is a small sampling of what I’m reading.

A thousand splendid suns / Khaled Hosseini.

The Kite Runner / Khaled Hosseini

Playing for pizza / John Grisham.

7 deadly wonders / by Matthew Reilly.

The last juror [sound recording] / John Grisham.

Blasphemy / Douglas Preston.

February 22, 2008 / / Journal


Work today was very stressful in that I was learning new concepts and ways of thinking for problem solutions and needs analysis. It kicked my butt. Not only that, it kicked 9 other members of my team as well. It really made me feel inadequate for the job and I don’t like that feeling. Friday should be more of the same and does not bode well.

So why am I up and blogging at midnight? My new laptop arrived and I have to install programs and settings of course!

Like I said, I am completely mental.


No, this isn’t my cat or new computer. Both were found on the interwebs last night thanks to my exhaustion, I didn’t want to take a photo.

February 21, 2008 / / Journal

My brother John celebrated his 26th birthday recently and even got himself a blog. John is engaged to get married in March to a lovely woman who makes him happy. I was asked to be the Best Man. While this may be questionable to some, there is no doubt amongst the Denbow brothers that this is truth. Actually, he was my best man 12 years ago. Hey, what are big brothers for?


Anyway, John has a new blog created that should highlight his world and the upcoming wedding. I’ll take him under my wing and show him how to upload photos/video and even audio posts.

If you live in the Tulsa area or just like to see what people who look like Lurch from the Adams Family television series do for fun, check out his blog!

Ti amo mi hermano.

February 17, 2008 / / Journal

BW, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

Last week we decided to hang our photographer heads in shame and have studio portraits of Daphne made for us. Wonderwife really wanted some baby pics before Daphne got too old and the grandparents love them.

Here is one of my favorites of the bunch that captures her serene beauty and concentrated focus.

February 16, 2008 / / Journal

Under the direction of Dr. Lud Israel, this group of student musicians are recording favorite jazz hits at the Carver Theatre and the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame in Birmingham, Alabama.

I have had the distinct privilege of photographing them for the Jazz Hall and my own jazz listening pleasure and did it again today for promo shots for the area's upcoming music festivals. 

February 10, 2008 / / Journal

viewing gorillas at the Atlanta zoo

Wonderwife decided to pack up the toaster on wheels (Scion xB) and head east to Atlanta. While there we stopped off at the zoo, Ikea and Trader Joe’s. This was Daphne’s first visit to Georgia outside of the womb and she loved it.

At the zoo she saw a lot of kids and a lot of critters. My favorite part was not the pandas, the monkeys or tigers but seeing her eyes closed, smiling and enjoying the sunlight on her face and the cool breeze in her hair. Made me happy.

Not so happy was the traffic on the road and at our destinations. People were walking in our path, stopped in our path and otherwise not concerned that two people holding a child wanted to just relax and enjoy the day.

Filling our bellies full of Swedish meatballs from Ikea and gathering good food at Trader Joe’s helped make it worthwhile. After that we headed back home from a 12 hour day and relaxed.

When/if we move from Birmingham, I will regret leaving the close proximity of diverse destinations & attractions the southeast has to offer. Most places are reachable in a few hours and offers up plenty of memories.

February 2, 2008 / / Journal

In preparation for Alabama’s part on Super Tuesday (Feb 5), more presidential campaigns rallied for support here in Birmingham.

President Bill Clinton stumps for his wife Senator Hillary Clinton in her bid to become the Democratic candidate for President. President Clinton stopped first in Huntsville, Alabama and then made his way to the campus of Miles College here in Birmingham.

The Republican front-runner, Senator John McCain stopped at the Birmingham Convention Center and rallied for support before moving on to Atlanta.

Though covering two campaigns of both parties in one day was exhausting, it was very rewarding to see the political process. Both camps had their share of eager supporters who wanted to hear something they could benefit from. They were not disappointed. There is a small amount of pride in covering both rallies at almost the same time. Parking was horrendous at both Miles College and the BJCC. More so at the convention center thanks to the annual Boat Show going on next door. I cannot believe I had the good fortune to see both! Eat your heart out big media! You need multiple reporters and photojournalists but small media got em both. Catch more coverage and my small contributions over at the Birmingham Terminal.

Photo Credits:

Photo Mojo

February 1, 2008 / / Journal

The Love Lobster, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

It is February! How are you going to plan for your Valentine this year? Suggestion: don’t buy a hysterical looking love lobster and have it sit in the closet until the next year….

January 28, 2008 / / Journal

Blue Balls, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

Keeping promise to myself to get back into shape with various activities such as this and trail running.

January 28, 2008 / / Journal

Daphne is learning to find her voice. At first it was cute and encouraged because she was singing to daddy. Now it is the shrill shrieks similar to the ring wraiths from The Lord of the Rings movie series. I’m concerned some well-meaning neighbors may mistake her singing for murder cries.

January 27, 2008 / / Journal

Today was a good physical day for me and I’m loving it. After a great lunch, I made my way out to the Moss Rock Preserve and hiked a little over 7 miles and even managed to scramble up a few boulder fields. Be sure to check out my vids and mockumentary of Man versus Wild on Video Mojo! I was starving after that workout and had an even healthier dinner. I think I will break out my racquetball equipment tomorrow and hit some glass.

Moss Rock Preserve, Hoover Alabama

January 27, 2008 / / Journal

I think I have finally kicked the sickness that has pestered me since Christmas 2007. Exactly one month ago I had a bad cough/sore throat/congestion that wouldn’t leave. Each day was filled with a cough, sinus pressure and blah, blah blah…anyway, I was sick. Every resolve I made for physical fitness & nutrition went *poof* out the window. Every desire to take my new Nikon D200 out and practice shooting disappeared and now I want my photo mojo back!

Other things include:

  1. I’m going hiking/geocaching this weekend for the first time in forever.
  2. I have a new position in my company with a huge raise and future incentives/bonuses
  3. Working on personal projects like organizing all the terrabytes of photos taken, all the music files, etc
  4. Learning Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop CS3 effectively

Now it is time to get back into shape and feeling healthy again…bring it on!

January 26, 2008 / / Journal

Daphne is almost 5 months old now and is my pride & joy. She is rolling over, wants to stand on her own (with me holding her under her arms just for balance), sings gibberish to me, sits up and even eats baby cereal with her milk. These are normal baby growth stages, true, but still blessings.

This same girl that smiles every time she sees me somehow also manages to sneeze on me every time. When holding her close to my face , she purses her lips and blows whatever drool blobs she had on me. Spit-up Stinky, milky vomit has been projected onto me from afar, wet & muddy diapers somehow lose their contents onto me and my clothes and even blood from skin while clipping her nails. Yep, every single bodily fluid has made it’s way from her to me in usually the most disgusting fashion.

…and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Daddy’s girl learns how to eat her food

January 23, 2008 / / Journal

… that is the progress I am making toward completing my goal of offering various content to the digital world. A lot of it is personal crap that edifies only myself or family. Some of it could be beneficial to anyone else. Who knows? I’ve made some design changes to Photo Mojo recently while still recognizing it is always a work in progress. I’ve also updated the RSS feed.

I’m also ready to unveil a new addition to Studio called Video Mojo! I’ve decided to get into this thing called vlogging (video blogging) and I am still working my way through the technical aspects of it, so bear with me as I try to apply the time it needs. Here is the RSS feed for Video Mojo

After three years of blogging and aggregating the best of what we call web 2.0, I will be taking a hiatus on Techno Mojo. There are various reasons and they are all valid in themselves but together, it is too compelling not to blog on tech at this time.

  1. got a life
  2. learning how to live it
  3. day job position change
  4. microblogging- the twitter & tumbl blogs are faster
  5. the desire to focus on my photography work
  6. etc

I don’t have accurate stats thanks to my server host losing my data and unable to restore my archives/backup but at one point there were close to 500 consistent readers/visitors to the site from all over the globe. The feedback and contributions of people adding to the conversation has been fun, challenging and educational and I enjoy it immensely. I thank you for your interest & support. When the priorities change and the desire returns, Techno Mojo will be back for good.

Let me know what you think in the comments section!