Category: Journal

January 19, 2009 / Journal

Afternoon Walk 

I have been enjoying much longer walks with my 16 month old daughter and I notice the little things that happen when we do this. Ever since she was a crying infant, we’d step out on the deck and enjoy the fresh air. It has always soothed me and she is the same way. Today, I noticed:

  • Daphne loves to run ahead, look back and smile. Independent.
  • Also enjoys stopping and running to the direction we walked from. Adventurous.
  • She’ll reach up and hold my hand and smile as we walk
  • She’ll reach up and hold onto my shorts pocket as we walk
  • I run into the same low hanging branches of a tree we always walk by. Every time.
  • She is an outdoor girl, always has been.
  • She stops to look at various points of interest, files it away and moves on
  • Daphne looks even more beautiful with breeze in her long hair and warm sunlight on her face and smile.
  • I hope we walk forever and back

This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus.

January 19, 2009 / Journal

Pondering Greatness

In this crazy economy where businesses are tightening their budgets and preparing for lean times, there will be the inevitable job cuts. Unemployment figures from the Department of Labor show a slow trend of lost jobs in almost every industry. Will this happen to you? Have you seen these cut backs already?

So what can someone do who has recently found themselves with some unexpected free time? Plenty. Now is the time to take charge of yourself. You have been performing as your employer has demanded but it is time to do what you want and need to do. Take advantage of this!

  1. Re-vamp your Resume Hey, thanks Captain Obvious! No, seriously. Update your resume, get a new, clean format. If you haven’t already, be sure to add yourself to LinkedIn and network. Update your profiles here and in Facebook/MySpace too.
  2. Find Some Contract Work This can help you stay current as well as bring in some cash. HR reps will want to know why there is a potential 3 month gap in your work history. and have plenty of employers looking for contractors.
  3. Up Your Skill Sets This includes not only your soft skills, but your technical knowledge as well. Know HTML? Great, now on to CSS, PhP, whatever.
  4. Learn Something New Does this include going back to school to get that new degree? A lot of people at this point may consider a career change. Not to be taken lightly.
  5. Vacate Your Premises Now you have the opportunity to get away from it all. Leave your worries behind for a bit. Reboot your brain by refreshing your surroundings. Either take the family away for awhile or go it alone for the weekend.
  6. Expose Yourself Please do not make the mistake of holing yourself inside your house, surfing the web, watching infomercials at 2AM and not shaving for two weeks. Get out and attend a seminar with like-minded people. Meetups are a great way to feel better, even if you don’t feel like it.
  7. Donate Your Time How many organizations & causes could use some of your valuable investment of service? It is true that by giving of yourself, you will be rewarded. This is one of the best ways to stay positive. Find a cause you can believe in and contribute!
  8. Get A Hobby “I never have enough time to do _________ like I’ve always wanted.’ Well, guess what!
  9. UnPlugged As a technical professional, you are probably plugged in just about as much as the rest of us. Time to cut the cord, put away the gadgets, turn it off, and walk away. Breathe. You can do this…
  10. Work It Out Gained a few pounds in that chair behind that desk, have we? No sweat. Actually, go ahead and sweat. Future employers will be sure to size you up by your resume and your appearance.

Got any other suggestions? I’d love to see them. How many of us could benefit from your advice? Please add them to the comments and let us carry on the conversation!

January 19, 2009 / Journal

Dr. Martin Luther The King















Early morning, April 4
Shot rings out in the Memphis sky
Free at last, they took your life
They could not take your pride…

(Pride) In The Name Of Love by U2

Photo Credit: Photo Mojo

January 13, 2009 / Journal


Week one of the new year’s music list while I’m online.

January 12, 2009 / Journal

Smart people plan ahead for whatever economic issues are going on. In times of plenty and poverty we should always be thinking of opportunities to generate more income. I am not talking about get rich quick schemes or programs to help you live the life of your dreams. No, what I am talking about will be just enough extra income to have your passion pay for itself. If what you love to do helps you make money and provide value to someone else, why not explore your options?

These are a few opportunities I am looking at as a means to generate income outside of a regular paying gig. By all means, take what you will and make it yours. Heck, feel free to share your ideas here as well. We’re all in this together, right?

  • freelance photography, 
  • citizen journalism 
  • stock photography 
  • consulting services 
  • personalized merchandise 
  • fine art prints 
  • ebooks are a big deal these days (if done right) 
  • affiliate advertising on your website 
  • downloads such as stock images, desktop wallpaper 
  • Etsy, Deviant Art 
  • online courses 
  • tech support 

Its a safe bet that if you use tools that you already own and the savvy to produce it, you can create something of value. Be willing to explore your options and even think outside of your niche for opportunities. I’ve witnessed a few friends earning extra cash just for a minimal investment.

Ask your immediate network of their interest to gauge the needs/wants and expand from there. Market yourself again, using all the tools at your disposal. Try not to be pushy or spammy. The content or service will speak for itself. Do ask for feedback and testimonials as this will go far in establishing yourself as someone who can deliver. 

And remember what my mother always told me:

Be prepared to take advantage of the opportunity…

Again, I’d love to hear more ideas if you are keen on sharing them. I’d even consider a collaborative project too if we can swing it. Best regards and much success to you!

January 7, 2009 / Journal

I was invited by Nicole to cover a story for a future article in Envy magazine regarding adrenaline rushes and met up at SkyDive Houston for a jump.

After Nicole & 4 staff photo/video jumpers had cleared the plane at 15,000 ft, our guide, Todd yelled back to the crazy bush pilot, Bernie to “GIVE EM’ HELL!” Before I had a chance to react, this barnstormer tipped the nose of the plane straight down towards the earth and rotated the plane a few times causing us to experience zero gravity for about 5 seconds. Awesome. I think I was smiling the entire way down.


Many thanks to Todd and the staff for the sweet ride and full access to the drop zone.

January 2, 2009 / Journal

I had the chance to shoot Envy Magazine’s NYE party at the House of Blues and had the added bonus of seeing friends from Twitter!

January 1, 2009 / Journal


I sincerely wish that all things go well for you in this new year!

December 29, 2008 / Journal

out to get you


2008, upon reflection, was a disastrous year but it will not get me down. After a lay-off 6 months ago, it has been difficult finding a job. The economy taking a long walk off of a short pier didn’t help either. Most corporations have tightened their belts and closed their wallets including layoffs of their own so why hire me?

We moved from Birmingham, Alabama to Houston, Texas in July for job prospects and closer to family. Literally a good move on our part. However, the house in Birmingham is still on the market and sucking away our savings.


I am in charge. Not the economy, nor employers. Neither the winds of fortune. This is all about me and what I will do to not only survive but to become better. I know it sounds like a self-help book in the making but it isn’t.

I am so looking forward to these changes but even though 2009 is a few days away, I am not waiting!

December 18, 2008 / Journal

12-17-2008 7-58-54 PM

The Denbow family wishes you the happiest of holiday wishes to you and your family. We’re travelling to Tulsa to celebrate with my side of the clan this year. The last time we had Christmas there was 4 years ago. We left home in Birmingham to arrive in Oklahoma 36 hrs later thanks to ice and dying car battery. We were spared from death many times that trip and vowed not to drive that way again if there was a hint of ice! Since we moved to Houston, we can now have a Christmas with my family up in Tulsa again.

Posing will be light from this upcoming Sunday until the Sunday after Christmas. I’ll be documenting activities for Photo Mojo, Video Mojo and more of course.

Have fun, love one another, peace on Earth and try to keep your cool in frustrating circumstances. We have such high expectations and plans that usually fall through so expect setbacks. See what happened to my brother when he told me he ate the last Christmas sugar cookie AND only left a swallow of milk in the carton?

Brotherly Love

no animals were harmed during this photo shoot. john, however was

December 15, 2008 / Journal

Glamour Girl, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind.

I’m loving the dramatic look and wind in her hair complete with a classical wardrobe.

December 12, 2008 / Journal

As a fairly new parent to a little girl, I am super protective. Wonderwife and I are allowing Daphne to explore age-appropriate television which is a cable channel called “Noggin”. No commercials, just content. All programs have developmental guidelines in various growth areas and social skills. I can appreciate that but she is still limited to only one hour a day (ideally).

Jack's Big Music Show

Jack’s Big Music Show

“Are you ready for some music and fun?

C’mon everybody give your foot a tap

C’mon everybody give your hand a clap

Look everybody this is my dog Mel

and my best friend Mary is super swell

Dum diddy dum dee dum day

Dum diddy dum dee dum day

There’s just one more thing we’d like you to know…

You’re always welcome on JACK’S BIG MUSIC SHOW!”

Daphne can watch this show anytime she wants. She is very musical and loves to clap, sing and dance along. With special human guest stars including Jon Stewart and Buddy Guy as well as various puppet animals, these three just want to play music. I find myself laughing at the situations and even singing along (for Daphne’s benefit of course!) This is a very entertaining, funny and intelligent show exposing kids to various music styles ranging from classical to rock.

Yo Gabba Gabba

Yo Gabba Gabba!

A grown man acting as a D.J. likes to play with toys that can dance when you say “Yo Gabba Gabba”. There might be a lesson or two in there somewhere, but I’m not sure. I could only stomach 5 minutes of this. However, it is VERY popular apparently. Thankfully, Daphne has little interest.


Lazy Town

There is a bad guy living in the sewer of this lethargic town who encourages children to embrace sloth. There is another guy in tights watching over the town in a blimp. The kids are stuck in the middle. So many choices! The good guy loves to demonstrate himself with over-exaggerated flips, twists, push-ups, bad costume and a weird mustache. I think he is also the writer, which completes the dude’s self-absorption. Daphne is banned from this show for all time, not for the message, but in the delivery of that positive message. Get off your lazy butt and turn that show off!

What Else Is There?

Parents with older children: please tell me it gets better, not worse. If not, I will have to pull the plug for all of us here at Casa Mojo…

December 12, 2008 / Journal

Instead of the typical holiday gift guides, let’s change it up a bit with stuff that people can afford and get access to! Here is a list of desirable doo-dads taken from a very un-scientific Twitter poll. Christmas is closing in fast so drop the hints, leave the product’s web page open for the spouse to see, circle the advertisement in nail polish. Whatever it takes for your true love to get you the things you love, right?

To the tune of The First Day of Christmas (you can sing it in your head as you read along)






On the 1st day of gadgets my true love will get for me: A Logitech MX Revolution wireless mouse!rev

On the 2nd day of gadgets my true love will get for me: Apple iPod Touch!


On the 3rd day of gadgets my true love will get for me: Lost 4.0 on DVD!


On the 4th day of gadgets my true love will get for me: an Eye-Fi wireless 2GB SD card!


On the 5th day of gadgets my true love will get for me: Drobo SATA Robotic Storage Array


On the 6th day of gadgets my true love will get for me: Adobe Photoshop CS4 upgrade!

Ad for Photoshop CS4.

On the 7th day of gadgets my true love will get for me: Flip Mino High Def video camera!

Pick one

On the 8th day of gadgets my true love will get for me: Battlestar Galactica 4.0 on DVD!


On the 9th day of gadgets my true love will get for me: Western Digital 1TB external hard drive!


On the 10th day of gadgets my true love will get for me: Targus Travel Power Outlets!


On the 11th day of gadgets my true love will get for me: Flickr Pro account!

flickr logo

On the 12th day of gadgets my true love will get for me: Amazon Kindle!

My New Kindle

So what is on your list? Add them into the comments!

December 9, 2008 / Journal

December 9, 2008 / Journal


Call this a self-evaluation or a wish list, but I will call it both. There are all sorts of things that we want to change and here are my desires now that I am a year older and wiser(?)…

Physical– During the pregnancy of our little daughter, I packed on quite a few “sympathy” pounds and never looked back…until now. I saw some photos taken of me this weekend and this needs to be addressed. Fast.

Spiritual- I think we have found a church home but for various reasons are afraid of committing ourselves in case I get a job across town. I shouldn’t allow this to stop me from growth at home.

Mental- Brain stimulus is crucial in longevity. I’m interested in picking up a new hobby that challenges my brain a bit. Learn a programming language? Logic games? Crossword puzzles? Still pondering this one.

Recreational- One of the things I miss after moving from Birmingham to Houston is the topography. There are so many trails and mountains in Bham and I tried to take advantage of these. Now that the terrain is flat and sidewalks are available, I want to get another bicycle. Ride to live. Live to Ride

Social- Tweetups, barcamps, conferences have been instrumental in meeting new people. I plan on soaking up more of these chances.

Financial- In weird economic situations like our current state of affairs here in the U.S., experience tells me that what you think is enough savings really isn’t. Do more of this.

Again, further thought and exploring will be poured into these things.